
2020-02-27 专业技术个人总结 下载本文



band width 带宽


diode(二极管)、triode(三极管)triple(3倍)、capacitor(电容)vacuum tube 真空管、电子管 transistor晶体管

integrated circuit(IC)集成电路 electron tubes 电子管 impetus 动力

resistors 电阻器、电阻(复数)RADAR.雷达 computers

Magnetic Resonance Imaging(MRI)核磁共振 computed axial tomography 轴向计算层析成像

技术 X-rays

three-dimensional images 三维图像 Circuit and System 电路与系统

Analog and Digital Circuits Design模电与


Radio Receiver Circuit 无线接收机电路、收音机电路

Basic concepts 基本概念 neutron 中子protons 质子

electric conductivity 导电性 free electrons自由电子 electric current电流

Signal and System 信号与系统

Digital Signal Proceing 数字信号处理 Speech Signal Proceing 语音信号处理 continuous-time 连续时间 discrete-time离散时间

signal energy and power 信号能量与功率 transform …into… 转变成…、转换成…described….as…被描述为…、说成是… sensoryadj.感觉的, 感官的vibrationsn.振动, 颤动, 摇动, 摆动 ubiquitousadj.无处不在的, 普遍存在的 utilityn.效用, 有用

weight function权值函数、加权函数 approximatev.近似, 接近, 约计

integraln.[数学] 积分, 完整, 部分 sparse matrix matrices稀疏矩阵 invariantadj.无变化的, 不变的seriesn.系列、串联

delayv.耽搁, 延迟, 延期, 迟滞 transitionn.转变, 跃迁, 过渡, 变调 suboptimumadj.次优的attenuationn.衰减

Windowed Fourier Transform(WFT)

窗口傅立叶变换 multiplying 乘法的、倍增的 matrix矩阵factored into 分解成hardware, firmware, and software 硬件、固件


Fast Fourier Transform、FFT快速傅立叶变换 The Speech Signal 语音信号 Signal Proceing信号处理

Digital Speech Proceing 数字语音处理 characterizevt.特征化,提取…特征 encryption加密 cipher密码

enciphern.[计] 加密、加密器 decryption解密

deciphern.[计] 解密

encode、decode编码、译码 queryv.询问, 表示怀疑 transactionn.办理, 交易, 事务

Electromagnetic Fields Theory 电磁场理论 Antenna 天线

feed point 馈电点、供给点 waveguide 波导

transmiion line 传输线 nonisotropic 各向异性的 narrow main lobe 窄主瓣 broad main lobe宽主瓣 satellite TV卫星电视

electromagnetic waves 电磁波

wirele wide area networks(WWAN)无线广域网

wirele personal area networks(WPAN)无线个域网 Bluetooth 蓝牙


Multiple Acce with Collision Avoidance

()多路复用和碰撞避免 back haul空载传输、回送

Global System for Mobile Communications(GSM)全球移动通信系统

Code Division Multiple Acce(CDMA)码分多路复用

parallel paths平行路径 industry standards 工业标准 WLAN 无线局域网 IEEE 801.11b standard


microwave 微波

carrier frequency 载波频率 forward direction 正向

client/server network主从网,客服网 DNSDomain Name System域名系统 peer-to-peer network对等网 user authentication用户认证 Local Area Network(LAN).Wide Area Network(WAN).CSMA/CD 载波侦听多路访问 packet switching.包交换

invited seion proposal邀请会话提议

2.When we Consider the fact that the transfer functions of the neurons in the output layer are linear, we solve the problem with system of linear equations.因为输出层神经元的激活函数是线性的,我 们用线性方程组来求解该问题。

Thus for a fixed signal power and in the presence of white Gauian noise the channel capacity approaches an upper limit.因此,对于一定的信号功率,且存在白高斯噪声时,信道容量将趋近于上限值。

The presence or absence(or, alternatively, the sign)of pulses in a group of pulses is made to depend, in a some what arbitrary manner, on meage samples.或许从属性的角度来说,在每组脉冲中激发或中断脉冲电流,都取决于消息样本。

Electronic amplifiers are used mainly to increase the voltage, current, or power of a signal.电子放大器主要放大信号的电压、电流及功率。


The signal levels inside power-amplifiers are so much larger than these weak inputs that even the slightest ―leakage‖ from the out-put back to the in-put may cause problem.功率放大器中的信号幅度比微弱的输入信号大得多,即使输出的极微小的泄露传输到输入端都会引发一些问题。

1.If there were no attraction between the proton and the electron, the electron would fly away from the proton in a straight line.倘若质子和电子之间不存在引力,电子就会沿直线飞离质子。

2.Suppose f(x)is periodic continuous.设f(x)是周期连续函数。

1.Using of neural models can make simulation and optimization proce le time-consuming, shifting much computation from on-line optimization to off-line training.采用神经网络建模可节省仿真和优化的时间,将在线优化转为离线训练。

Operational amplifiers(op-amps), built with integrated circuitsand consisting of DC-coupled, multistage, linear amplifiersare popular for audio amplifiers.运算放大器内建直流耦合多级线性放大集成电路,它(该元件)广泛用于音频放大器。

the largest early computers occupied a volume of hundreds of cubic metersand requiredmany tens of kilowatts of electrical powerand a sizable air conditioning installationto allow this amount of energy to be diipatedwithout raising the room temperature to unbearable values.例如,早期最大的计算机要占据成百立方,需要几十kW的电源和一个相当大的空调设备,目的是来消除大量的热,而不让室温过高。

It can be shown that a system using a three-level code must have a signal-to-noise ratio of 8.5 dB, or 3.7 dB greater, for equal performance in the same channel.这表明对于相同的信道特性,使用三级编码的系统信噪比为8.5分贝, 或高于3.7分贝。

Let the forward–path transfer function be given by the linear difference equation.设前向传递函数由下列线性差分方程给出。

Taking the former view gives a good insight into the behavior of the quantization error.前面的讲解使我们更好地理解量化误差的特性。(或者:



Rockets have found application for the exploration of the universe.火箭已用来探索宇宙。火箭已用于对宇宙的探索。

eg.14Most satellites are designed to burn up themselves after completing miion.按照设计大部分卫星在完成任务后自行燃烧。一般卫星的设定为完成任务后自燃销毁Eg19 Both compounds are acids, the former is strong while the latter is weak.The adj.这两种都是酸。前者是强酸,后者是弱酸。Alloy steel is stronger and harder than carbon steel.译文:合金钢的强度和硬度比碳钢大。(形容词转化为名词)

eg.23 The performance was a succe.我们的演出很成功60。执行结果很成功。eg.25 We must make full use of exiting technical equipment.我们必须充分利用现有的技术设备。我们必须对现有技术设备进行充分利用。我们必须让现有技术设备得到充分利用。2.由于英语中的动词在翻译的时候可以转换成汉语名词,所以修饰该动词的副词转译成形容词。

eg.26 This film im-preed him deeply.这部电影给了他深刻的印象。这部电影给他印象很深

eg.28 When he catches a glimpse of a potential antagonist, his instinct is to win him over with charm and humor.只要一发现有可能反对他的人,他就本能地要用他的魅力和风趣将这人争取过来。95 只要一看到潜在的反对者,他的本能就是用魅力和风趣赢得这人。90

eg.10The acquaintance of science means mastering the law of nature.译文:认识科学意味着掌握自然规律。(名词转化为动词)

I had experienced oxygen and /or engine trouble.译文:有可能是氧气设备和或|引擎出故障,或两者都出故障。

eg.4While stars and nebulae look like specks or small patches of light, they are really enormous bodies.译文:星星们看起来是小光斑,但其实是巨大的天体。

eg.16Stainle steels poe good hardne and high strength.译文:不锈钢硬度大、强度高。


eg.31Some theorems like regarding noise as Gauian white noise.译文:许多理论倾向于将噪声看作高斯白噪声。

The sampling theorem shows that

all values of a signal can be determinedby sampling the signal

at a rate equal to at least twice the bandwidth.译文:抽样定理表明,信号的抽样频率至少为信号频率的两倍信号时,该信号才能全部恢复。


1、基于高斯小波滤波器的语音识别特征提取方法 摘要:把小波理论应用于抗噪语音识别特征提取,提出了基于高斯小波滤波器的语音识别特征提取方法,通过对人耳听觉特性的研究,按照人耳临界带宽设计了一组高斯小波带通滤波器。详细讨论了高斯小波滤波器的尺度参数选择方法。使用RBF识别网络,仿真实现了使用新特征与原特征的识别结果,证明了新特征具有较高的识别率和优良的抗噪性能。

关键词: 特征提取;高斯小波;语音识别 Feature-Extraction Method Based on Gau-Wavelet-Filter in Speech-Recognition Abstract:——used wavelet theory in noise robust feature-extraction of speech-recognition and introduced a feature-extraction method based on Gau wavelet filter.The Gau wavelet filter with human critical frequency band was obtained by studying human auditory characteristics.The method of scale parameter choosing was also studied in designing Gau wavelet filter.The methods with novel and original feature

was simulated.The RBF neural net was used in train and recognition course.The results show that new feature has higher recognition rate and better robustne than traditional feature.Key words: feature extraction;Gau wavelet;speech recognition2、基于独立分量分析的单通道语音增强算法 摘要:传统的独立分量分析要求观测信号的个数不能小于源信号的个数,无法直接对单路信号进行独立分量分析。为了能够利用独立分量分析分离加性噪声,须构造一路观测信号。基于语音信号的短时平稳的特性,该文提出一种构造噪声信号的算法,实现了信号与噪声的分离。仿真结果表明,利用该算法可得到很好的消噪结果,提高信号的信噪比。


Single Channel Speech Enhancement Algorithm Based on Independent Component Analysis

Abstract: The standard independent component analysis algorithm require that the number of sensors is more than or equal to that of sources, so it is impoible to apply independent component analysis to a single channel signal directly.This paper proposes an algorithm for constructing a noise signal for noise reduction based on ICA, thereby noise and signal can be separated through ICA.Simulation result shows that much better de-noise effect and signal-noise ratio can be obtained by using this algorithm.Key words: Independent Component Analysis(ICA);blind sources separation;speech enhancement;single channel






幻灯片1 1.In-cla practice 将下面与会议相关词语翻译为汉语  sponsor赞助者 Cover letter求职信 organizer组织者 Invitation letter邀请信  preparatory committee筹备委......


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信管 专业英语总结

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