1.Writing requirements for title2.3.The function of affiliation are : 4.5.The general requirements of keywords :
6.Common problems in abstract writing are Mixed writing style, 7.General writing requirements of introduction: 8.General functions of reference are 9.10.General functions of footnotes are 11.Tenses in papers are :12.Sentence Structure of Scientific English:
Profeional authors prefer to use indicative sentences to describe experiments or investigations conducted, state the quality or property of the matter used, confirm laws or principles worked out.Various complex sentences are often used to reflect the logical analyses and the complicated interrelations in the scientific research accurately.13., 14.Proce undertaken in the experiment includes 15.Introduce to the equipments used in the experiment: 16.17.General requirement for research description are:
18.Types of logical development: Developing byDeveloping the ResearchDeveloping the Research 19.Claification of profeional papers: 20.The general function of a title in a profeional paper a profeional paper are 21.The general requirements for the authors and affiliation in a profeional paper are:22.General requirements of abstract are: Miniaturizing the Text, 23.24.Writing requirements of abstract are: 25.26.27.Main elements of discuion are analyzing data, pointing our doubts, expounding viewpoint, stating the significance, arriving at a conclusion.28.Avoidance of writing aconclusion should be :Avoid drawing conclusions from data involving 29.5S Strategy for Abstract Writing:
30.5A Strategy
Five questions to answer in the abstract:
Q1: What is the general knowledge of your topic in the academic field?
Q2: What research topic is the paper to focus on?
Q3: What method or material do you use to support your main point of view? Q4: What conclusion will you draw?
Q5: What is the main contribution of the paper?
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第一章 石油钻井工程英语基础第1节石油钻井工程基础词汇1.钻探,钻井:drill————拓展记忆 钻井:drilling 定向斜井directional drilling 欠平衡钻井under-balance 海上钻井of......
幻灯片1 1.In-cla practice 将下面与会议相关词语翻译为汉语 sponsor赞助者 Cover letter求职信 organizer组织者 Invitation letter邀请信 preparatory committee筹备委......