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在第四届中美互联网论坛上的讲话 中国互联网协会理事长 胡启恒 2010年11月8日

Speech at the Plenum of 4th China-U.S.Internet Forum By Hu Qiheng, Chairperson of the Internet Society of China November 8, 2010

尊敬的钱小芊副主任,尊敬的罗伯特·赫马茨先生,克瑞格·蒙迪先生,女士们,先生们,Your Excellency Vice Minister Qian Xiaoqian, Your Excellency Mr.Robert Hormats and Mr.Craig Mundie, Ladies and Gentlemen: 大家下午好,由中国互联网协会和美国微软公司联合发起的第四届中美互联网论坛于今天正式拉开帷幕,首先,我仅代表中方竹板者中国互联网协会对来自中美两国互联网行业的各位嘉宾,表示热烈的欢迎,向参与本次论坛报道的新闻媒体朋友们表示欢迎和感谢,向积极支持和组织筹办本次论坛的中美双方的业界同仁表示衷心的感谢。

Good afternoon!The 4th China-U.S.Internet Forum, co-hosted by the Internet Society of China(ISC)and Microsoft Corp., formally raises its curtain today.At first, on behalf of the Chinese host – the Internet Society of China, I would like to extend a warm welcome to the guests from Chinese and US Internet industry.I'd also expre my welcome and gratitude to all media friends covering this forum, and thank all my colleagues from China and the United States who have paid great efforts to organize and prepare for this forum.本届中美互联网论坛的主题是为了更加有用,更加可信赖的互联网,在为期两天的会议期间,双方代表将围绕云计算、网络犯罪和隐私保护的国际合作、在线知识产权保护和标准、互联网法制和新媒体等议题进行交流和对话,共同分享有意义的实践,增进彼此之间的认识和理解,对于促进中美两国互联网行业的健康发展和交流协作,造福两国网民,将起到积极的作用。This year, the theme of the forum is “for the more useful and reliable Internet.” During the two-day event, delegates from both sides will carry out direct communication and conversation on the topics like “cloud computing”, “International cooperation on Internet crime prevention and privacy protection”, “online intellectual property rights protection and criteria” and “Internet law and the development of new media”.They will also discu how to innovate and manage Internet industry, share useful experiences and practices as well as enhance mutual recognition and understanding.Through these discuions, the forum will further promote the healthy development of and deepen the cooperation and communication between the Internet industries in China and the USA, and therefore benefit the people in the two countries.近两年来中国网民规模极具扩大,网络基础设施日益完善,互联网普及率不断提高,截至目前,中国网民规模达到4.4亿,互联网普及率攀升到33%,宽带网民规模是3.6亿,使用电脑上网的群体中宽带普及率达到98%,国际出口带宽近1000G,农村网民达到1.15亿,占整体网民的27.4%,网民每周上网的时间继续增加,人均每周上网时长达到19.8小时,特别值得一提的是中国手机网民的规模达到2.77亿,其中只使用手机上网的网民占整体网民的比例提升到了11.7%,使用手机作为上网设备的占比攀升到了65.9%,移动互联网用户在全部移动用户的渗透率达到33%,手机网民在信息获取和交流沟通类的应用上,使用率比较高,手机的即时通信使用率位居首位,达到61.5%,手机搜索以48.4%的使用率排名第二。

In the last two years, the population of Internet users in China has grown rapidly.As the basic network facilities gradually improve, China increasingly expands the coverage of the Internet.By June 2010, China had registered a total of 440 million Internet users and the penetration of the Internet had risen to 33 percent.The broadband users in China had reached 363.81 million and 98.1 percent of the Internet users who surf the Internet on computers have acce to broadband networks.The export of Internet bandwidth had reached nearly 1,000 gigabytes.About 115.08 million people in rural areas have acce to Internet, accounting for 27.4 percent of the total Internet users.The time people spent online continues to increase-each person spending 19.8 hours per week.What deserves to be mentioned is that 277 million people surf the Internet on mobile phones, which accounts for 65.9 percent of the total Internet users and 33 percent of the total mobile phone users, and 11.7 percent of them only get acce to mobile Internet.People usually use mobile Internet to acquire information and communicate with others.Instant meaging service tops the usage of the mobile Internet, accounting for 61.5 percent, followed by mobile search, which accounts for 48.4 percent.手机网民快速增长的一个重要驱动力是移动互联网的快速发展,3G的普及,基于3G的使用丰富多彩,阅读、音乐、互动社区、支付、应用程序商店等各种应用争奇斗艳,日新月异,吸引着越来越多的手机上网用户。随着三网融合试点工作的不断深入和推进,移动互联网在我国尤其农村地区的发展和普及,还将要进一步加快,当前我国拥有自主知识产权的移动互联网相关产品不断涌现,产业链的参与者越来越多,为用户提供更加便捷和舒适的个性化服务,成为移动互联网产业各方的共识。例如优视科技公司开发的UC浏览器,它拥有完整的自主产权,不但使用方便还可以为用户节省流量,良好的用户体验,超过了全球四亿次的下载量。当前北京,上海,南京,上海,广州等多个城市都开展了无线城市建设,在广州召开的亚运会和亚洲残运会期间北京实行全程的无线网络WIFI上网,运营商提供了随时随地达到了3MB的网速,用户可以通过手机、笔记本等方式享受移动互联网高速冲浪随时随地关注亚运的赛况,可以肯定的说,随着移动通讯技术的不断升级发展,移动互联网在中国有着非常广阔的发展空间。

The fast development of the mobile Internet network has driven the growth of mobile Internet users.As the 3G networks expand, mobile Internet services based on the networks, such as mobile search, video, game, reading, music, interactive communities, online payment and application stores, have attracted more and more people to surf the Internet on mobile phones.The coverage of the mobile Internet will further expand in China, especially in rural areas, as the integration of telecom, radio and TV, and Internet networks deepens.At present, there are increasingly more mobile Internet products that have independent intellectual property rights, and more parties joining the industrial links.It has become a consensus to provide more convenient and personalized services for users.UC explorer, developed by UC Mobile Limited, is a succeful example.The product enjoys core technology and full IPR of its own.It’s convenient to use and saves online traffic.The good user experience has resulted in more than 400 million downloads globally.In addition, China also attaches importance to building wirele cities.At present, the cities of Beijing, Shanghai, Nanjing, Hangzhou and Guangzhou have started building wirele networks.During this year’s Guangzhou Asian Games and Asian Para Games, a free wirele service will be available via mobile phones and laptops to acquire competition information.The operators will provide an Internet acce with the speed of 3Mbps and the speed will reach as fast as 10Mbps in some popular areas.Certainly, as the mobile communication technique develops, mobile Internet has vast development space in China.微博的流行也使无线网迅速流行,国内以新浪微博为代表的一批微博发展壮大,开展了中国微博时代,相关机构预测,到2010年底,国内微博服务商的累计注册活跃账户数将突破6500万个。在今年的8月,中国互联网协会主办的2010中国互联网大会期间,会场上首次启用微博互动,腾讯微博在会场安装两块大型显示屏显示会议期间发表的所有的有价值有趣味的内容,大会也首次提供大会嘉宾首次回答微博体温的环节,大众的参与度提高了,由此诞生了一个网络热词——上墙,这个例子充分展现了微博强大的互动效果,及潜在的巨大营销潜力和舆论影响,引起了各方的关注,如何利用好微博等新媒体手段,进一步服务经济发展,和促进公共事务透明化,是我们将要深入探讨和研究的问题之一。The emergence of microblogging is another highlight of China's Internet industry in recent years.The popularity of Twitter has made the concept of “microblogging” accepted by the public.In China, microblogging services, represented by Sina Microblogging, have rapidly developed, opening the era of microblogging in China.According to a relevant institution’s prediction, by the end of 2010, the active accounts on domestic service providers will accumulatively reach 65 million.In August, at the China Internet Conference hosted by ISC, microblogging was used as an interactive platform for the first time.Tencent installed two screens in the conference hall, rolling the valuable and interesting contents posted by micro-bloggers about the conference.Speakers were also invited to answer the questions on the micro-blogs.Participation was expanded and a buzzword “on screen” was therefore produced.The word refers to micro-bloggers commenting on the conference and expreing their opinions on their blogs that would be screened at the conference.The example displays the strong interactive function of micro-blogs, whose great marketing potential and public influence have drawn huge attention.How to use new media, especially microblogging, to better serve economic development and promote transparency of public affairs is one of the iues that we are going to thoroughly discu and research.中国的电子商务不断向传统产业渗透,融合,带动相关产业快速发展,并成为基于互联网的新兴服务业,大型企业电子商务应用水平显著提高,并逐渐向网上设计,制造,计划,管理等纵深发展,中小企业在以销售,采购为代表的生产经营各环节的电子商务应用中保持高速增长,并呈现出“多渠道,主动性”的特征。电子商务服务业的作用也将随着电子商务应用的日益广泛和深入而显得更加突出,在与电子商务相关的信用、支付、物流、IT、金融等领域涌现出越来越多的服务商和服务模式,为电子商务活动提供多样化的服务。据统计2009年中国电子商务交易额达3.8万亿元,其中大中型工业企业电子商务交易额达到1.57万亿元人民币,中小企业电子商务交易额达到1.99万亿人民币,网络购物交易额达到2586亿人民币,占社会零售总额的2.06%。

China's e-commerce continues to integrate with traditional industries and promote the development of relevant industries, forming the new service sectors based on the Internet.Big enterprises have developed their e-commerce levels, expanding to online design, manufacture and management.The applications of e-commerce of medium and small enterprises for producing and operating, especially sales and purchasing, have kept fast growth, with the characteristics of “multi-channels and activene.” As the expansion of e-commerce, its service sectors become more and more important.There are more service providers and modes in relevant trust, billing, logistical, IT and financial sectors.Statistics show that the transaction volumes of China e-commerce reached 3.8 trillion yuan in 2009, of which 1.57 trillion yuan were between large and medium-sized industrial enterprises, 1.99 trillion between medium and small ones.The transaction volumes of online shopping reached 258.6 billion yuan, accounting for 2.06 percent of the total retail sales.政府对互联网技术的发展与创新也非常重视,近年来一直积极推进和加快下一步互联网,物联网,以及云计算等关键技术的研发和产业化,引领产业快速发展。以云计算为例,当前已有阿里巴巴,腾讯,百度中国石化等一些大型企业建立自己的云计算平台,在云计算应用过程中,如何保护用户数据和隐私安全一直是各方关注的焦点,九月于立陶宛召开的联合国互联网治理论坛第五次会议上业界针对这个问题也进行了专门的探讨,微软提出建议进一步加强云计算提供商在隐私和安全保护的透明度以及联合打击犯罪加强合作,肯尼亚会议建议建立一套全球云计算安全与隐私保护的标准等。

The Chinese government attaches great importance to Internet technique development and innovation.In recent years, China has been promoting and accelerating the research and industrialization of key technique, such as the next generation Internet, the Internet of things and cloud computing, to speed up industrial development.At present, some big enterprises, such as Alibaba, Tencent, Baidu and Sinopec, have established their own cloud-computing platforms.A method to protect users’ data and privacy during the application of cloud computing remains a focus for relevant parties.At the fifth annual Internet Governance Forum(IGF)meeting in September in Vilnius, Lithuania, the iue was specifically discued.For example, in order to protect users’ privacy, Qihoo 360 virus-killing software only uploads executable programs, asks the third party to manage its source code and joins the International Aociation of Privacy Profeionals(IAPP).Microsoft suggested further enhancing the transparency of the privacy protection and security services provided by cloud-computing providers and the collaboration on combating digital crimes.The Computer Society of Kenya suggested stipulating a global standard for cloud-computing security and privacy protection.尽管近年来中国互联网的发展取得了一定成绩,但仍然有需要地方需要继续努力和积极推动,例如缩小数字鸿沟,抵制网络色情,深化网络版权保护和网络安全工作等,此外中国互联网行业的整体创新能力不够,对互联网的理解利用程度和深度上,仍与国际同行存在一定差距。由于国家所处的发展阶段技术水平积文化方面的差异,中美两国互联网产业在发展过程中发现出不同的特点和情况,同时也存在着许多共同的话题和关注点,因此双方需要进一步加强相互之间的理解,交流和合作。中国互联网协会非常愿意继续积极推动双方交流。

China’s Internet industry has scored a lot during the past few years, but there is still room for improvement, such as narrowing the digital divide, cracking down on online pornography and strengthening Internet copyright protection and online security.In addition, the general lack of innovation lags behind international counterparts in understanding and utility of the Internet.Due to differences on development phases, technique levels and cultural backgrounds, the Internet industries of China and the USA have different characteristics, but also share many common concerns.Therefore, the two sides need to further strengthen mutual understanding, communication and cooperation.ISC is willing to continue promoting bilateral communication.本届论坛,为双方提供了一个良好的交流互动平台,在接下来的会议过程中希望来自中美两国互联网企业和专家代表们畅所欲言,各抒己见,特别希望中国互联网界的代表们,珍惜本次宝贵的机会认真借鉴和学习美国同仁在互联网创新当中的成功经验和有效做法。

The forum provides a good communication and interactive platform for both sides.In the following seions, I hope the delegates and experts from Chinese and US Internet enterprises will speak their minds without reservation.And in particular, I hope Chinese delegates will cherish this opportunity to learn from succeful US experiences and effective measures on Internet innovation and governance.女士们、先生们,Ladies and gentlemen, 让我们脚踏实地,真诚合作携手并进,为营造一个和谐,绿色,更加有用更加可信赖的互联网不懈努力,共同创造互联网的美好明天,最后衷心祝愿本届中美互联网论坛圆满成功!

let’s cooperate earnestly and join hands to create a harmonious, more useful and reliable Internet environment.Let's work together for a better future!I sincerely wish this forum a complete succe!谢谢大家。Thank you!2010广州亚运会

The Asian Games is a multi-sport event held every four years among athletes from all over Asia.The games are regulated by the Olympic Council of Asia(OCA)under the supervision of the International Olympic Committee(IOC).Medals are awarded in each event, with gold for first place, silver for second and bronze for third, a tradition which started in 1951.亚运会是一个由多种运动项目组成、全亚洲运动员参加的、四年举办一次的运动会。亚运会由奥林匹克亚洲委员会负责管理,国际奥委会负责监督。每次奥运会都将颁发奖牌,第一名为金牌,第二名为银牌,第三名为铜牌。这个传统是由1951年开始的。

The 16th Asian Games will be held in Guangzhou, China from November 12, 2010 to November 27, 2010.Guangzhou will be the second city in China to host the games after Beijing in 1990.41 events are scheduled to be contested, making the most events to be ever competed in history of the Asian Games.第十六届亚运会将在2010年11月27日在中国广州举行。继1990年的北京,广州将成为中国第二个举办奥运会的城市。届时将有41个项目的奖牌被争夺。这将是亚运会历史上竞技项目最多的一次。

After Asian Games, Guangzhou will be also held the 10th Asian Games for the Disabled.This is another focus after Beijing Olympic Games.At present, the preparation work of Asia Games is carrying through ruly, and hotel industry has become focus who as the important program.继亚运会后,广州也将举行的第十届亚洲残疾人运动会.这使得广州成为北京奥运会之后的另一个焦点。现在,亚运会的筹备工作重点是酒店的规范。

During the 2010 Guangzhou Asian Games, there will be 14,700 athletes and team officials, 6300 technology officials and umpires, 10,000 media staffs, 60,000volunteers and 10,000 VIP guest from 45 countries and regions come to Guangzhou.届时将会有来自45个地区和国家的1万4千7百名运动员和教练员,6300技术官员和裁判,10000名媒体记者,60000名志愿者和10000vip 访问人员参加 2010广州亚运会

All guests will live in headquarter hotel, official hotel and appointed reception hotel except athletes and team officials will live in Asian Games Village and technology officials and umpires will live in technology officials’ village, reporters and media staff will live in media village.Useful Information 实用信息

广州别称 Guangzhou’s nickname 羊城 Ram City 穗城 Rice-Ear City 花城 Flower City 广州市市花 Guangzhou’s city flower 木棉花 kapok 广州城市标志 Guangzhou’s city symbol 五羊雕像 The Statue of Five Rams 旅游景点 Tourist Attractions 西汉南越王博物馆 The Museum of the West Han Dynasty Mausoleum of the Nanyue King 西关大屋 Xiguan Mansion 陈家祠 Chen Clan Academy 光孝寺 Guangxiao Temple 怀圣寺 Huaisheng Temple 镇海楼 Zhenhai Tower 六榕寺 Liurong/ Six Banyan Temple 石室耶酥圣心堂 Cathedral of Sacrde Heart of Jesus 五仙观 Wu Xian Temple/ Taoist Temple for Five Immortals 南海神庙 Nanhai God Temple 中山纪念堂 Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall 黄花岗七十二烈士陵园 Huanghuagang Cemetery Mausoleum of 72 Martyrs 广东省博物馆 Guangdong Provincial Museum 白云山 Baiyun Moutain 越秀公园 Yuexiu Park 云台花园 Yuntai Garden 宝墨园 Baomo Garden 番禺莲花山 Panyu Lianhua/ Lotus Mountain 番禺香江野生动物园 Panyu Xiangjiang Safari Park 罗格主席在2010年温哥华冬奥会开幕式的致词


Speech at the Opening Ceremony of the XXI Olympic Winter Games in Vancouver by the IOC President, Jacques Rogge 在2010年温哥华冬奥会开幕式的致词 国际奥委会主席 罗格

Dear Canadian Friends, 亲爱的加拿大朋友们,Here we are, back in Canada, for the third time in the history of the Olympic Games.今天我们又一次齐聚加拿大,这已是奥运史上第三次了。

After Montreal and Calgary, it is now the turn of the west coast of this wonderful sports loving nation to host the world’s athletes.继蒙特利尔和卡尔加里后,轮到西海岸度上神奇,热爱运动的加拿大人民来迎接世界各地的运动员。

Thank you, Canada, for this great loyalty to the Olympic ideals.谢谢,加拿大,感谢你对奥林匹克理想的至上忠诚。

My thanks go to the public authorities of Canada and the Province of British Columbia, the Four Host First Nations, our hosts Vancouver, Whistler and Richmond, and all regions of Canada for their strong commitment and support.我要感谢加拿大政府和不列颠哥伦比亚省,四大东道主原著民族,我们的东道主温哥华,威斯勒,列治文以及加拿大各个区域,感谢你们强有力的承诺和支持。Thank you to our friends at VANOC the Organising Committee, who have worked tirelely for seven years to ensure that we can be here tonight in this magnificent Stadium, to open 16 days of competition for which the athletes have trained so hard.感谢温哥华奥组委的朋友们,是你们七年来的不辞辛劳,使得我们今晚能在这雄伟的体育场里,开始这为期16天的体育盛事,训练良久的运动员们早已期待多时。

And a special thanks to the thousands of Games volunteers for your enthusiasm.Without you, none of this would be poible.我还要特别感谢成千上万的奥运志愿者,感谢你们的热情参与,没有你们,就没有这一切。

For today, the Olympic Games mean more than just performance.如今,奥运会不仅仅是一场比赛。

The Olympic Games have brought together in the same quest for excellence, friendship and respect the people of over 82 National Olympic Committees, regardle of ethnic origin, gender, language, religion or political systems.奥运会将来自82个奥委会,同样追求卓越,友谊,自尊的人们结合在一起,跨越了民族,性别,语言,宗教以及政治制度的界限。

Our world today is in need of peace, tolerance and brotherhood.May the Vancouver 2010 Games be held in peace, in the true spirit of the Olympic Truce.如今我们的世界需要和平,宽容以及友爱。愿2010温哥华冬奥会秉持奥林匹克的精神,在和平中进行。Dear athletes, 亲爱的运动员们,These Games belong to you.They are your Games.这场盛事属于你们,这是你们的比赛。

So give them the magic that we all desire, through your performances and your conduct and do it in memory of your late friend, Nodar Kumaritashvili.请通过你们的表现,你们的品行,给予我们所期待的奇迹吧,这也是对你们离开的朋友——库马里塔什威利的最好纪念。

Remember that you are role models for the youth of the world.There is no glory without responsibility.Please compete in the spirit of Olympic values.请记住,你们是世界青年的楷模。有责任,才会有荣耀。



坚持多元合作 推动共同发展

——在中葡论坛第三届部长级会议开幕式上的致辞 中华人民共和国国务院总理 温家宝 2010年11月13日 澳门

Advance Common Development Through Diversified Cooperation--Addre by H.E.Wen Jiabao Premier of the State Council of the People's Republic of China At the Opening Ceremony of the Third Ministerial Conference of the Forum for Economic and Trade Cooperation Between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries Macao, 13 November 2010


Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, 很高兴和各位朋友相聚在美丽的澳门,共同出席中国-葡语国家经贸合作论坛第三届部长级会议。我谨代表中国政府,对会议的召开表示热烈祝贺,对长期以来致力于中国与葡语国家经贸合作的各界人士表示崇高敬意!

I am delighted to gather with all the friends here in the beautiful Macao and attend the Third Ministerial Conference of the Forum for Economic and Trade Cooperation Between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries.I would like to expre, on behalf of the Chinese government, warm congratulations on the convocation of the meeting and pay high tribute to all the people who have long been committed to advancing the economic cooperation and trade between the two sides.中葡论坛是中国和葡语国家开展互利友好合作的重要平台和纽带。它充分利用澳门联系中国和葡语国家的独特优势,以经贸合作为重点,有效地推动了中国与葡语国家之间的交流与合作。

This Forum has served as an important platform and bond for mutually beneficial and friendly cooperation between China and the Portuguese-speaking countries.It has given full play to Macao's unique advantage as a bridge between the two sides and boosted our exchanges and cooperation with a focus on economy and trade.2003年论坛成立时,中国和葡语国家的贸易额刚过100亿美元,2008年已达770亿美元,提前1年实现贸易额突破500亿美元的目标。今年前三季度,双方的贸易额达682亿美元,同比增长57%,反映出双方贸易的巨大活力。目前,葡语国家的咖啡、腰果、葡萄酒等著名产品,已经摆上了越来越多中国百姓的餐桌;中国物美价廉的日用消费品也丰富了葡语国家的市场,广受消费者的欢迎。

In 2003 when the Forum was founded, trade between the two sides was just a bit over US$10 billion.It surged to US$77 billion in 2008 and hit the target of US$50 billion one year ahead of schedule.In the first three quarters of this year, two-way trade reached US$68.2 billion, up 57% year-on-year, showing strong vitality.Today, coffee, cashews, wine and other famous products from the Portuguese-speaking countries are becoming more and more popular in China.And quality yet inexpensive consumer goods from China have enriched the markets of the Portuguese-speaking countries and have been well received by their people.论坛成立以来,中国与葡语国家双向投资快速增长。截至2009年底,葡语国家已在华设立700多家企业,对华投资累计金额超过5亿美元。中国对葡语国家投资方兴未艾,累计金额超过10亿美元。双方投资的增加,带来了各自需要的适用技术,支持了对方的经济建设,改善了当地居民的生活。

Since the inception of the Forum, two-way investment between China and the Portuguese-speaking countries has rapidly expanded.By the end of 2009, Portuguese-speaking countries had set up over 700 companies in China with a total investment of more than US$500 million.China's investment in these countries is also burgeoning, and the total volume has exceeded US$1 billion.The ever-growing investment between the two sides has brought us the applicable technologies that we each need, supported our economic development and improved the lives of the people.中国对部分发展中葡语国家的援助造福于当地人民。论坛成立以来,中国共向安哥拉、佛得角、几内亚比绍、莫桑比克、东帝汶五国提供各类援款35.6亿元人民币,免除到期政府无息贷款债务2.3亿元人民币。中国援建的佛得角泡衣崂水坝、莫桑比克国家体育场、中几比友谊医院、东帝汶政府办公大楼等一批标志性工程,已经成为中国与葡语国家友好的象征,产生了良好的经济效益或社会效益。China's aistance to some of the developing Portuguese-speaking countries has benefited the local people.Since the founding of the Forum, China has provided a total of 3.56 billion RMB yuan of aistance to Angola, Cape Verde, Guinea Biau, Mozambique and Timor Leste, and cancelled 230 million yuan of debts aociated with interest-free government loans.A number of signature projects that China built, such as the Poilao Dam in Cape Verde, the national stadium in Mozambique, the friendship hospital in Guinea-Biau and the government office buildings in Timor Leste, have become symbols of friendship between China and the Portuguese-speaking countries and produced good economic and social returns.中国与葡语国家的合作逐步从经贸领域向教育、文化等多个领域延伸。特别是在人力资源开发领域的合作得到极大加强。截至目前,中国为葡语国家举办了200多期各类研修班,培训了2100多名官员和技术人员,其中近三年培训1400多人,超额完成中葡论坛第二届部长级会议确定的目标。

Cooperation between the two sides has gradually extended from economy and trade to education, culture and other fields.Our cooperation in human resources development, in particular, has been greatly enhanced.Up to now, China has held over 200 workshops of various kinds and trained over 2,100 officials and technicians for the Portuguese-speaking countries, including the over 1,400 people trained in the recent three years, overfulfilling the target set at the second ministerial conference of the Forum.值得一提的是,在论坛的推动下,澳门与葡语国家间的经贸关系也得到加强。澳门与多数葡语国家签署了金融合作备忘录,澳门的企业已活跃在所有葡语国家,澳门的商品经由葡语国家进入欧盟、南美、非洲市场。一些葡语国家企业来澳门投资办厂,进口巴西、东帝汶的咖啡,加工后借助CEPA的优惠政策进入中国内地市场,获得了丰厚回报。特区政府全力支持论坛建设,支持论坛举办各类经贸活动,积极为葡语国家培养金融、旅游管理等专业人才,不断增加对葡语国家的奖学金名额,深受葡语国家的欢迎。

What is worth noting is that thanks to the Forum, economic and trade ties between Macao and the Portuguese-speaking countries have also been strengthened.Macao has signed MOUs on financial cooperation with most of the Portuguese-speaking countries.Companies from Macao are now active in all the Portuguese-speaking countries, and commodities from Macao have entered the markets of the EU, South America and Africa through those countries.Some companies from the Portuguese-speaking countries have set up factories in Macao where they proce coffee imported from Brazil and Timor Leste and then export the finished products to China's mainland under the preferential policies of CEPA, reaping handsome returns.The government of the Macao Special Administrative Region(SAR)fully supports the development of the Forum and supports the Forum in carrying out various kinds of economic and trade activities.It has taken active steps to train profeionals in finance and tourism management and continuously increased scholarships for the Portuguese-speaking countries.These steps have been much welcomed by those countries.实践证明,中葡论坛既是合作的桥梁,也是友谊的桥梁。它不但给双方带来了实实在在的经济利益,而且拉近了中国与葡语国家的距离,加深了双方人民的友谊,密切了国家间的友好关系。

Past progre shows that the Forum is both a bridge for cooperation and a bridge of friendship.It has not only produced real economic benefits for both sides, but also brought China and the Portuguese-speaking countries closer, deepened the friendship between our peoples and enhanced the amicable ties between our countries.中国与葡语国家经贸合作之所以能够蓬勃发展,除了论坛的推动外,根本在于中国与葡语国家之间的经济互补性强,发展相互经贸关系符合双方的根本利益。随着中国和葡语国家经济快速发展,我们之间的共同利益在扩大,相互需求也在增加,企业间取长补短、互通有无的愿望十分强烈,双方经贸合作的前景广阔。应坚持平等互利、优势互补、形式多样、共同发展的原则,不断拓展合作领域,创新合作方式,丰富合作内涵,携手应对国际金融危机后的各种挑战,推动双方经贸合作向更大规模、更宽领域、更高水平发展。本次部长级会议的经贸合作行动纲领将提出许多好的实施意见和具体措施。这里,我强调几个重点问题:

The economies of China and the Portuguese-speaking countries are highly complementary and stronger busine ties serve the fundamental interests of both sides.This is eential to the dynamic growth of economic cooperation and trade between the two sides.As our economies rapidly grow, our common interests have been expanding and our mutual needs increasing.Businees of the two sides have a stronger desire in mutual learning and exchanges.Our busine cooperation enjoys bright prospects.We should follow the principles of equality and mutual benefit, drawing on each other's strengths and seeking common development through diversified cooperation, and further broaden the areas, innovate the ways and enrich the content of our cooperation.We should work together to tackle the various challenges in the post-fmancial-crisis world and push forward our economic cooperation on a larger scale, in broader areas and at a higher level.The Action Plan for Economic and Commercial Cooperation to be adopted at this ministerial conference will set out many useful suggestions and specific measures in this regard.Here, I would like to stre the following important aspects: 第一,扩大双边贸易规模。中国与葡语国家的产品各具优势,双方贸易仍有很大的增长潜力。我们要相互扩大市场开放,减少贸易壁垒,加强政策协调,共同反对贸易保护主义,力争到2013年双边贸易额增至1000亿美元。要注重优化贸易结构,努力提高机电产品、高新技术产品、服务产品的贸易比重。中方愿意进一步增加自葡语国家的进口,逐步给予亚洲和非洲葡语国家绝大多数商品零关税待遇,鼓励企业开展贸易融资,举办更多葡语国家商品展,为葡语国家产品进入中国市场创造便利条件。

First, increase bilateral trade.The products from China and the Portuguese-speaking countries have their respective advantages and there is much potential for the further growth of our bilateral trade.We should open our markets wider to each other, reduce trade barriers, step up policy coordination, jointly oppose trade protectionism and work hard to raise our trade volume to US$100 billion by 2013.It is important that we pay high attention to improving the trade structure and raise the share of trade in electro-mechanical goods, high-tech products and services in overall trade.China is willing to buy more from these countries and phase in zero-tariff treatment to the overwhelming majority of the commodities imported from the Portuguese-speaking countries in Asia and Africa.We will encourage the businees to raise finance for trade, host more commodity fairs for the Portuguese-speaking countries and provide convenience for their products to enter the Chinese market.第二,着力推动双向投资。与双边贸易的巨大成就相比,双边投资的潜力没有得到充分发挥。我们要抓紧完善双向投资的法律法规,消除投资壁垒,推动商签双边投资保护协定和避免双重征税协定,积极开展多种形式的投资促进活动,尽快推动双向投资取得实质性增长。要继续加强基础设施建设、电信、能源、农业、自然资源开发等领域的投资合作,鼓励中小企业开展多渠道的合资合作。中国企业在基础设施建设领域有较强实力和丰富经验,葡语国家有广阔市场,双方在该领域的合作可以成为新的增长点。中方支持有条件的企业到葡语国家投资,也欢迎葡语国家的企业来华兴业,实现互利共赢。

Second, promote two-way investment.Compared with what we have achieved in trade, we have not fully unleashed the potential of two-way investment.We need to improve the laws and regulations on mutual investment, remove investment barriers, facilitate negotiations on bilateral investment protection treaties and treaties on avoiding double taxation, and carry out investment promotion activities in multiple forms so that the two-way investment will achieve substantive growth as soon as poible.We should continue to enhance our investment cooperation on infrastructure, telecommunications, energy, agriculture and natural resources development, and encourage the small and medium-sized enterprises to cooperate through multiple channels.Chinese enterprises are competitive and experienced in infrastructure construction, while the Portuguese-speaking countries have big markets.This can become a new growth area in our cooperation.China supports competent Chinese enterprises in making investment in the Portuguese-speaking countries and welcomes companies from the Portuguese-speaking countries to start businees in China in pursuit of mutual benefit and win-win outcomes.第三,积极开拓新的合作领域。中国与葡语国家的合作不应局限于经贸、人力资源、基础设施等传统领域,还可以向其他领域扩展。中国与葡语国家旅游资源丰富,合作前景广阔,中方愿意推介葡语国家的旅游资源,支持更多葡语国家成为中国公民出境旅游目的地。双方企业和居民对交通运输合作的愿望日益强烈,各国政府要创造条件,支持企业建立便捷畅通的物流网络,开通更多直航航线。要进一步深化金融合作,加强各国中央银行、监管当局的交流,推动政策性银行和商业银行的合作,鼓励择机互设银行分支机构,为中葡经贸合作提供重要支撑。与此同时,要积极拓展双方在教育、文化、卫生、体育等社会事业领域的务实合作,以加深双方人民相互了解和友谊。

Third, actively explore new areas of cooperation.Cooperation between China and the Portuguese-speaking countries should not be limited to such traditional areas as economy and trade, human resources and infrastructure.It should be expanded to new areas.Both China and the Portuguese-speaking countries are rich in tourism resources and our cooperation in this field has broad prospects.China will promote tourism resources of the Portuguese-speaking countries and support more Portuguese-speaking countries in getting the Approved Destination Status(ADS)for Chinese tourists.Businees and the general public of the two sides have a strong desire for transport cooperation.Governments should create conditions and support the businees in establishing convenient and smooth logistic networks and opening more direct flights.We should deepen financial cooperation, increase exchanges between our central banks and regulatory authorities, facilitate cooperation between policy and commercial banks, and encourage the establishment of branches of banks in each other's countries at appropriate times with a view to providing important support for our economic cooperation and trade.At the same time, we should make active efforts to expand practical cooperation in education, culture, health, sports and other social programs to enhance the mutual understanding and friendship between our peoples.第四,充分发挥澳门的合作平台作用。澳门拥有东西方文化交融的独特优势,拥有完善的基础设施、完备的金融服务体系和自由开放的商业环境,拥有大量中葡双语专业人才,正在成为中葡经贸合作的重要平台。中国政府全力支持澳门与葡语国家的经贸交流,鼓励中国企业借助澳门平台与葡语国家企业开展多种形式的交流合作。希望论坛各与会国继续利用好这个平台,推动建立更紧密的经贸合作关系。澳门特区政府要继续发挥自身优势,为落实论坛各项目标提供良好服务,使中葡论坛成为中国与葡语国家经贸往来和友好合作的桥梁。

Fourth, bring into full play Macao's role as the cooperation platform.Macao has the unique advantage of being a place where Eastern and Western cultures meet.It has sound infrastructure, a sophisticated financial services system, a free and open busine environment and a reservoir of Chinese-Portuguese bilingual profeionals.Macao is becoming an important platform for economic cooperation and trade between China and the Portuguese-speaking countries.The Chinese government gives full support to economic exchanges and trade between Macao and the Portuguese-speaking countries, and encourages Chinese companies to pursue various forms of exchanges and cooperation with their counterparts from those countries via the platform of Macao.We hope that the participating countries of the Forum will continue to make good use of this platform and strive for even closer busine ties.The Macao SAR government should continue to give full play to its advantages, provide good services for the implementation of the goals of the Forum, and make the Forum a bridge for the busine exchanges and friendly cooperation between China and the Portuguese-speaking countries.女士们,先生们:

Ladies and Gentlemen, 中葡论坛八个兄弟处于不同的发展阶段。帮助发展中的葡语国家加快发展、摆脱贫困,是我们的共同责任。中国珍视与葡语国家的友谊,愿意为此贡献力量。从2010至2013年,中国政府将采取如下措施:

The eight brothers of this Forum are at different stages of development.To help the developing Portuguese-speaking countries achieve faster development and shake off poverty is our common responsibility.China values its friendship with the Portuguese-speaking countries, and stands ready to play its part in meeting this responsibility.The Chinese government will take the following measures over the 2010-2013 period:

一、中国内地和澳门的金融机构将发起设立规模为10亿美元的中葡合作发展基金,以促进中国与葡语国家间的金融合作。First, financial institutions from the Chinese mainland and Macao will initiate a US$1 billion cooperation and development fund between China and the Portuguese-speaking countries to boost financial cooperation.二、在双边框架内向中葡论坛的亚非与会国提供16亿元人民币的优惠贷款。Second, provide 1.6 billion RMB yuan in conceional loans under the bilateral framework to the Asian and African members of the Forum.三、对每个论坛亚非与会国的1个双方农业合作项目,提供物资设备、技术人才等方面的支持。

Third, provide materials, equipment, technical personnel and other support to one bilateral agricultural cooperation project in each Asian and African member of the Forum.四、为论坛亚非与会国培训1500名官员和技术人员,并支持澳门特区政府在澳门设立中葡论坛培训中心。

Fourth, train 1,500 officials and technical personnel for the Asian and African members of the Forum and support the Macao SAR government in establishing a training centre under the Forum in Macao.五、向论坛亚非与会国提供为期一年的1000个来华留学政府奖学金名额。

Fifth, provide 1,000 one-year government scholarships to students from the Asian and African members of the Forum to study in China.六、向论坛亚非与会国各提供价值1000万元人民币的医疗设备及器械。

Sixth, provide medical equipment and devices worth 10 million RMB yuan to each Asian and African member of the Forum.女士们,先生们:

Ladies and Gentlemen, 葡萄牙语中有一句富有哲理的俚语:“合作是生命的港湾”。发展中国与葡语国家的经贸合作,符合双方的根本利益,是大势所趋、人心所向。我衷心希望中葡论坛各与会国顺应时代的潮流和人民的意愿,坚持多元合作,促进共同发展,将中葡论坛办出特色、办出实效、办出水平,共同谱写中国-葡语国家经贸合作的新篇章!

A philosophical saying in Portuguese reads, “Cooperation is the port of life”.To advance the economic cooperation and trade between China and the Portuguese-speaking countries is in the fundamental interest of both sides.It meets the call of our times and the wish of our people.I sincerely hope that all the participating countries of the Forum will follow the historical trend and the will of the people, promote common development through diversified cooperation, make the Forum a high-quality one with distinctive features and practical results, and work together to write a new chapter in our economic cooperation and trade.预祝本届部长级会议圆满成功!

I wish this ministerial conference full succe.谢谢大家!





1.If the reaction took hours and not seconds, the fuel costs would be prohibitive.假如这一反应还需数小时而不是几秒钟,那么燃料成本就太高了。2.The atom is made up of a nucleus with negative electrons revolving around it.原子是由原子核和绕核旋转的若干负电子组成。

3.The first electronic computers used vacuum tubes and other components, and this made equipment very large and bulky.第一批电子计算机使用真空管和其他元件,这是设备变得十分庞大。

4.There is enough coal to meet the word’s needs for centuries to come.有足够的煤可以满足全世界几个世纪的需要。5.the moon is moving west against the background of the stars.月亮在群星的衬托下正西落。

二、译成具体的多数。如:“两个”,“一对”,“前后”,“内外”等词。5.Each time the magnet is broken, new poles are formed, as indicated in Fig.磁体每折断一次,就有两个新磁极形成,如图五所示。

6.To add rigidity, braces are sometimes fastened from the overarm to the knee.为了增加刚性,有时从悬臂到升降台装上一对撑臂加以紧固。

7.The ends of the tubular furnace are closed to minimize convection currents inside the furnace.把管式炉的前后端盖紧,是炉内的对流减少到最低限度。8.the principal function that may be performed by vacuum tubes are rectification, amplification, oscillation, modulation, and detection.真空管的五大功能是整流、放大、振荡、调制和检波。

9.To increase the contact area and permit larger loads to be carried, the balls run in curvilinear grooves in the rings.为了增加接触面积并承受较大载荷,滚珠在内外环的曲线槽内滚动。


10.We saw bubbles rising from under the water.我们看到一个个水泡从水下升起。

11.After dropping a small stone into still water, we saw ripples going out in all directions.把一块小石头扔进平静的水中,我们看到一圈圈的涟漪向四面八方扩散。

12.When the plants died and decayed, they formed layers of organic materials.当这些植物死亡腐烂时,它们就形成一层层有机物。

13.Noises may develop in a worm engine.磨损了的发电机可能会产生种种噪音。


14.A student of the motions of objects is neceary in order to understand their behavior.为了了解物体的性能,有必要研究它们的各种运动。15.The air is made up of a mixture of gases.空气是由多种气体组合而成的。

16.Factories are power plants where various fuels are burned and where the heat energy produced is converted into mechanical energy.各种工厂都是动力厂,都是燃烧不同燃料、将产生的热能变成机械能的场所。




如果你查字典的话,你会发现,口译这个词的英语(论坛)表达interpretation, 就是“解释”的意思,所以口译说到底就是在做一件事“解释”,把意思解释明白就是口译员的职责。“口译”不可能像“笔译”那样做到“雅”,因为口译是即席的(impromptu),译员不可能找个安静的地方仔细推敲译文。笔者发现在考试过程中,很多考生都不屑用一些简单的词来解释意思,而是用一些自己认为的“高级”词汇,似乎觉得这样才能获得考官的好感,其实,在很多情况下,考生所用的这些难词,往往不是读音错了,就是搭配出了问题。所以,在考试的时候,用简单的词把意思说清楚就可以了,当然,用“高级”词也可以,可前提是不出错。笔者还发现,在考试过程中,很多考生总是被“语言形式”所吓住,比如四字格,古诗词等,其实在遇到这些情况的时候,我们武器就是“解释”,下面我们一起来看几个例子:

例 中国古代有种舞,就是驱鬼逐疫的祭祀仪式上跳的舞。

In ancient China, there were a form of dance which was performed at ritual ceremonies to frighten off the ghosts and to relieve people of epidemics.当考生们看到“驱鬼逐疫”的时候,大可不必惊慌,一定要冷静。先在脑子里把“驱鬼逐疫”解释一下,意思就是“让鬼和疾病都远离人们”,接着再口译就比较轻松了。

例 近一时期,国际上发生了许多大事,上至政治家,下至老百姓,都无法视而不见,充耳不闻。

Some major events have taken place in recent months.None of us, from politicians to people in the street, can afford to overlook.“都无法视而不见,充耳不闻。”的意思就是“不能忽视”,所以这里大可不必费力的翻译成“turn a blind eye to, turn a deaf ear to”, 只要翻译成 “overlook”.“neglect” 等词就可以了。

例 北京,这座古老而充满活力的城市,正以铿锵的步伐昂首阔步迈向国际现代化大都市之列。

Beijing, an energetic city with a long history, is now becoming/ rising to become one of the world’s modern metropolises.听到这样的句子,对于练习较少的考生来说,肯定会被“铿锵”、“昂首阔步”搞得晕头转向。其实,原文的意思也就是“北京正在成为一个国际大都市”。不知道大家发现没有,我们在解释的同时其实还在做一件事,就是“简化”原文。这是必然的,要解释一个概念,我们往往都会选择较简单的文字。这也是listener-friendly的一种做法,在口译实战中,让听者明白译文,是最重要的。由此,我们也总结出一条口译原则就是KISS(keep it simple but not stupid).提醒大家注意,在简化的同时千万不要犯傻。如:“秋高气爽,丹桂飘香”有人就译成 “The sky is high and people feel good.The smell of Guihua is good.” 这种译文真是让人啼笑皆非。“秋高气爽”的意思就是:秋天天气晴朗,气候凉爽。译成 the weather in autumn is fine 即可。“丹桂飘香”的意思就是“到处可以闻到桂花的香味”,这里如果“桂花”不会译,可以简化成flower, 但绝不能简化到拼音Guihua 的程度。这个词组可译成the scent of flower can be smelled everywhere.其实,这两句并在一起,还可以做更简单的口译:in the golden season of autumn.技巧二:运用常识(common sense)

在二阶段考试的时候,笔者经常发现,考生常常会犯一些常识性的错误。其实,这些错误,冷静思考是绝对不可能犯的例 the most spectacular sights of the Yellowstone Park: the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone.It’s 37 km long and 366 meters deep.这里“黄石公园的大峡谷”应该是37公里长,很多考生考试的时候答成37米。大峡谷只有37米长?答题的时候稍微用点常识,就不会犯这样的错误。例 South of the canyon lies Yellowstone Lake, one of the world’s largest freshwater lakes.Don’t plan on going for a dip—the water is too cold!

请大家注意划线部分,第一处划线Yellowstone Lake,有考生翻译成“科罗拉多湖”,这里很明显是没听清原文就瞎猜,如果对于“黄石公园”有所了解的话,就不会猜得那么不靠谱了。第二处划线,freshwater lakes 有考生译成“新鲜水湖”。有“新鲜水湖”这个名词吗?根据常识,最有可能翻译成什么呢?对,应该是“淡水湖”。第三处划线部分 dip 应该怎么翻译?很多考生没译出来,dip的原意是“浸、泡”,在根据上下文以及常识推测,这里的意思应该是“游泳”。


在口译考试的时候碰到些长句是不可避免,不过大家别慌,我们总有办法化解,这方面我们要向给温总理做口译的译员学习。笔者最近对温总理今年三月份的记者招待会做了全文听写,颇有收获。总理讲话包括记者提问,很多都是长句,可是译员的译文一点都不花哨,最常用的三个句型居然是:if…then…(在笔译中,then一般都是会被省去的,这里译员完全是按照中文里的“如果…那么…”的句型口译),not only…but also…, on the one hand…on the other hand.而且,把长句断句的情况也屡见不鲜。在译员的口译中,基本是看不见从句或是分词的踪影,即便是要连接两个句子,也基本上是用的and或是but这样的词。


例 去年下半年以来,物价上涨过快,给群众生活,特别是低收入群体带来很大的困难。

In last year, particularly the latter part of last year, the price level rose exceively.This has made the lives of people, particularly those low income groups more difficult.这个句子并不长,后半句完全可以用一个定语从句接上去,可是译员却做了断句的处理。笔者认为,译员之所以没有用定语从句是为了让听众听得更清楚,因为听众在听定语从句的时候,往往要多费脑筋,有的时候还搞不清楚在修饰哪个词。

例 但是中国是一个有13亿人口的发展中国家,我们还必须保持经济有一定的发展速度来解决就业的压力,通过发展解决前进中的问题。

At the same time we need to bear in mind that china is a developing country with a population of 1.3 billion.We must ensure that our economy continues to grow at a proper way in order to ease the preure on employment and in this way we will properly addre the problems on our way ahead through further development.在这句话中,译员在“发展中国家”处断开了。其实,这句话也可以译成因果句,As china is a developing country with a population of 1.3 billion, we must……,笔者认为译成因果句使得上下文更连贯,可是这里译员并没有这么处理,可能是现场压力大,根本来不及仔细思考。这样的例子在记者招待会中还有很多,所以,笔者在这里大胆地建议考生们,在听到长句时,不妨就分割成几个小句,这样不仅降低了长句的难度,而且还不易出错。




Countries with different social systems and cultural traditions can transcend ideological differences and enjoy common development on the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence provided that they give priority to their people’s fundamental interests and respect and tolerate each other.这里的参考译文中用了provided that…巧妙地把“只要….相互包容”译成了条件句,译文连贯自然。但在实际的考试过程中,笔者发现很多考生理不清分句之间的关系,更不用说调整语序了。其实,在口译考试过程中,要调整语序的话,一定是不得已而为之的事,笔者不建议考生在考试的时候调整语序,尽量顺着原句的语序说下来,适当断句,这样是最节省“脑力”的方法。


Countries with different social systems and cultural traditions must give priority to their people’s fundamental interests and respect and tolerate each other.Finally, those countries can transcend ideological differences and enjoy common development on the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence.当然,改译后的句子恐怕让原句的连贯性受到一些干扰,但这也是没要办法的事,在口译中追求完美是不现实的。

例 Chinese communities are thriving in many American urban centers, and their reputation as a model minority has aroused further interest in this distant land, which is so vastly different.(中口)








We are fully capable of maintaining stability and the normal public order in Tibet and at the same time we will continue to support the effort of Tibet to develop the economy and make social progre.We will continue to help Tibet to improve the livelihood of people of all ethnic groups and we will continue to support the efforts to protect the cultural and natural environment in Tibet.We will never waver in this position.例2.[温家宝]我们之所以反对“入联公投”,就是因为如果这样一些主张得逞的话,它将改变台湾和大陆同属于一个中国的现状,势必冲击两岸关系,势必危害两岸人民的根本利益,势必造成台海局势的紧张,破坏台海和平以至亚太地区的和平。

We are opposed to the so-called referendum scheme for Taiwan’s membership in the United Nations because we believe that if such scheme should succeed, it would deny the reality that both Taiwan and mainland belong to one and the same china.And that will deal a serious blow to cro-straits relations.That will harm the fundamental interests of people on both sides.That will cause tension in the Taiwan Straits and that will threaten the peace in the Taiwan Straits and peace in the Asia-Pacific region at large.例3.[温家宝]但是只要中印双方都抱有诚意,本着平等相待、互谅互让的原则,我想解决边界问题的谈判会有新的进展。

I would like to say that as long as china and India have the sincerity in resolving the iue, as long as we approach the iue on the basis of equality, mutual benefits and mutual accommodation,new progre will be made in the negotiations.各位考生朋友不难发现,笔者划线的部分都是重复的部分,例1和例2中,译员重复了主语和谓语部分,例3重复了连接词as long as。在整个记者招待会的口译中,这样的重复可以说是比比皆是,此外,还有主语,不定式,介词词组的重复等,这里不再一一列举。这和我们上一次讲到的“简单句和断句”技巧也是相通的。




口译技巧之五:难词猜测 在口译考试中碰到生词可以说是必然的,笔者发现在考试中很多考生因为一两个生词而放弃了考试。考生朋友们对于生词一定要有正确的看法,口译主要是翻译意思,并不是十分注重细节,如果生词是形容词、副词,不翻译问题也不是太大,即使是关系句子意思的一些词,我们也可以通过上下文进行推测,考生们要切忌听到生词就停顿下来思考,这个时候,仔细听下面的内容其实更重要。


例 Our high schools are obsolete and out-of-dated.By “obsolete”, I don’t just mean that they are broken, old-fashioned and under-funded.这是中级口译考试中的一句话,笔者发现考试的时候,很多考生对obsolete这个词比较陌生,其实这个词的意思通过上下文就能猜出来,这句话中obsolete的近义词有out-of-dated, broken, old-fashioned, 所以,obsolete这个词就可以译成“陈旧的”、“过时的”。

例 I am very happy to meet with so many scholars at this annual astrobiology conference in the beautiful city of Boston, Maachusetts.这句中的astrobiology是个难点,我们可以从构词法猜测出它的意思,astro-表示“外太空的”,biology 表示“生物学”,所以整个词连起来,译成“外太空生物学”或“天体生物学”,考生们猜出这个词的意思并不困难。

Hungry For Drama, Chinese Viewers Send Out For Thai


A Thai soap opera called 'Battle of the Angels' created a stir when it was first broadcast here two years ago.Local trade unions and women's groups were upset about the way the prime-time drama showed flight attendants going about their jobs, which appeared to consist mostly of cat fights and devious schemes to woo pilots.泰国肥皂剧《天使之争》(Battle of the Angels)两年前在曼谷首播时激起轩然大波。电视剧展示的空姐生活让当地工会和妇女组织感到不安:在这部黄金时段播出的电视剧里,空姐的职业生涯好像基本上就是勾心斗角外加挖空心思地勾引飞行员。

Now the series is enjoying a second life, in China--and network executives there are banging on the door of Thai producers to see what else they can subtitle and beam acro the Middle Kingdom.'I'm amazed,' says Takonkiet Viravan, the 44-year-old Thai soap opera svengali who produced 'Battle of the Angels' and other shows now making it big on the small screen in China.He's still being bombarded with inquiries, 'and they're coming from all directions.' What's going on, TV analysts in the region suspect, is that Asia is starting to outgrow its addiction to Hollywood hand-me-downs.目前这部电视剧正在中国享受第二次生命。另外,中国的电视台高管正在与泰国制作人积极接触,看还有哪些东西可供配上字幕后在中国播放。

泰国44岁的肥皂剧大腕Takonkiet Viravan制作的《天使之争》和其他节目已经成为中国小荧屏上的大热门。他说,我很吃惊。Takonkiet仍然受到各种质疑的轰炸,而且是“来自四面八方”。


For years, Asian broadcasters have been relying on such U.S.imports as the 'CSI' dramas and that old standby 'Baywatch' to fill out their programming schedules.Now, egged on by the popularity of South Korean singers and actors in recent years, Asian broadcasters are more comfortable using their neighbors' TV dramas or music instead of American fare.Some analysts figure the succe of the Asian programs is the latest sign of Asia's rising confidence.多年来,亚洲的电视台都是依靠美国进口节目来填充播出日程,比如《犯罪现场调查》(CSI),以及常备节目《海滩救护队》(Baywatch)。现在,受近年韩国歌手、演员走红的鼓舞,亚洲各家电视台更乐于播出这个邻国的电视、音乐节目,而非美国货。部分分析人士认为,亚洲节目取得成功是亚洲越来越自信的最新表现。

Thailand's over-the-top potboilers are the latest sensation.They come acro as both familiar and exotic.Many of the stars are ethnic Chinese, as are many Thai.But the Thai dramas are also resolutely outlandish, featuring divas rushing about the set trying to slap each other with the spiky shells of the malodorous tropical durian fruit as writers and directors crank up the melodrama.最新引起轰动的是泰国的煽情节目。在中国人看来,这些节目既熟悉,又有异国情调。许多泰剧明星都是华裔,当然泰国本土演员也很多。但泰国节目也极具异国风情,编剧和导演往往极力推动情节发展,剧中有不少女演员们追逐撕打、用臭烘烘的榴莲带刺的壳互殴的情形。

'I love Thai shows.The actrees are so beautiful and the leading men very handsome,' says Jang Jing, a 44-year-old housewife from Beijing and an avid fan.'They also show that what goes around, comes around--even if they seem a bit strange at first.' Thai soaps seem to succeed because they are often brutally direct, whereas in everyday life many Asian cultures value subtlety and avoiding confrontation.'This is the escapism, the fantasy--the dramas are so direct and loud and so boom, boom, boom I hate you,' says Mr.Takonkiet, who is managing director at production companies Exact Co.Ltd.and Scenario Co.Ltd.'It would never happen like this in real life.' 北京铁杆泰剧迷、44岁家庭主妇蒋静(音)说,我喜欢泰剧;女演员很漂亮,男主角非常帅;它们还证明善有善报,恶有恶报,哪怕一开始显得有点奇怪。泰国肥皂剧取得成功的原因,似乎在于它们常常都非常直接,而亚洲很多文化在日常生活中都崇尚细微精妙、避免对抗。Takonkiet说,这是逃避主义,是幻想;而泰国电视剧是那么直接,那么响亮,恨你就恨得要死;这在现实生活中是绝对不会出现的。Takonkiet是制作公司Exact Co.Ltd.和 Scenario Co.Ltd.的董事总经理。

'Battle of the Angels' is a good example.The plot revolves around a group of flight attendant trainees and follows their romantic quests as they try to carve out a career in the airline industry.Much of the action centers on Rin, a beautiful young stewarde.She falls in love with a married pilot but weds his womanizing friend instead, before finally reconciling with her primary love interest--all the while evading a series of traps set by her scheming rivals, Cherry and Noi.《天使之争》就是一个好例子。情节围绕一群空姐实习生展开,讲述她们在航空业努力开拓事业时的爱情追求。很大一部分内容都集中在年轻漂亮的空姐Rin身上。她爱上了一位已婚飞行员,但嫁给了这位飞行员好色的朋友,最终和她最初的爱人在一起了。整个过程中,她还逃过了精于心计的竞争对手Cherry和Noi设下的种种圈套。

In key scenes, the feuding flight attendants grind stiletto heels into each other's feet or go toe-to-toe in screaming matches that often explode in a flurry of slaps or hair-pulling.One cliffhanger episode features the main villaine, Cherry, putting on protective gloves and trying to splash the heroine, Rin, with acid.'Do you want some of this? Are you trying to run away? Come here,' she shouts, with a knowing sneer directed at the camera.在主要场景中,剧中勾心斗角的空姐们使出各种招数,例如穿着细高跟鞋踩对方的脚,还经常会因一连串耳光或扯头发爆发一阵阵尖叫和扭打成一团。其中一个扣人心弦的情节中,重要反派人物Cherry戴上保护手套试图往女主角Rin身上泼酸。



Rin counterattacks by seizing a boiling pot of Thailand's spicy Tom Yum soup left conveniently at hand and flings it at her antagonist before making an escape.'There,' Rin yells.'Get ready to go to jail!' Another big hit, 'Scar In My Heart,' has a more romantic plot line about an up-and-coming executive who falls for a nursing student he first accused of embezzling money from his elderly grandmother and causing the death of his fiancee in a traffic accident.There are 31 episodes to find out whether the couple can forget the past and make a go of their love.Rin也不甘示弱,随手端起一锅沸腾的泰国辣味冬阴功汤向对手扔过去然后迅速逃跑。Rin喊道,好啦,准备进监狱吧!

另一部热门电视剧《伤痕我心》(Scar In My Heart)的情节更浪漫些,前程似锦的公司主管在一场车祸中失去了未婚妻,他把责任都推在护校毕业的女孩身上,还怀疑她贪污他祖母的钱财,最后却爱上了这个女孩。二人最终是否能忘掉过去走到一起,看完全剧31集就知道了。

Some critics of Thai lakorn--or dramas--say they have created a taste for simplistic, hyped story lines.The labor union at Thai Airways International PCL, meanwhile, singled out 'Battle of the Angels' for special criticism, saying it tarnishes the reputation of flight attendants and is a far cry from day-to-day life in the skies.一些泰国电视剧评论家说,这些电视剧造成一种弱智和夸张故事情节的欣赏趣味。同时,泰国航空公司(Thai Airways International PCL)工会也特别对《天使之争》提出批评,说该剧败坏了空姐的名声,和真实的机上生活差得很远。Thailand's government, though, is leaping on the succe of shows such as 'Battle of the Angels,' 'Scar In My Heart' and 'The Prince' to help buttre its more conventional exports, such as seafood and toasters.Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva flew to China in November, and signed an agreement with Chinese government officials to promote Thai soaps and exempt them from foreign-content quotas that state regulators there sometimes slap on broadcasters.泰国政府却抓住《天使之争》、《伤痕我心》和《出逃的公主》等剧集成功的机会推动海鲜和烤面包机等传统出口产品的传播。

泰国总理阿披实(Abhisit Vejjajiva)11月飞往中国与中国政府官员签订了一项推广泰国电视剧的协议,中国国家监管机构通常会对电视台播放外国内容实施播出配额限制,这项协议免除了泰剧的配额限制。

Scores of Chinese fans, meanwhile, flew to Bangkok in September to surprise 'Scar In My Heart' star Sukrit Viseskaew on his birthday and helped him put on a party at a local orphanage.Calling themselves the 'Dragonfly Army,' after Mr.Sukrit's nickname, Chinese fans have also teamed up with their Thai counterparts to form powerful online voting blocs that sway the outcome of Thai entertainment awards.而在9月,数十位中国粉丝飞往泰国给了《伤痕我心》中男星Sukrit Viseskaew一个生日惊喜,帮他在当地一座孤儿院举办了派对。

这些中国粉丝根据Sukrit Viseskaew的昵称称自己为“蜻蜓军团”,他们还与泰国粉丝一起成立了在线投票团,对泰国娱乐奖项的结果都产生了影响。This year the dragonflies helped the 25-year-old Mr.Sukrit win the coveted 'most popular actor' award at entertainment magazine Siam Dara and have flooded Thailand's show-busine chat-rooms with tributes to his talents.'Is our self-control poor, or are you just too attractive?' wrote one admirer, who gave her name as Linda.今年,这些“蜻蜓”们帮助25岁的Sukrit Viseskaew赢得了他梦寐以求的娱乐杂志Siam Dara评选的最受欢迎男演员奖。他们的留言还充斥着娱乐网站的聊天室,对该明星的才华大家赞赏。



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