中国互联网协会理事长 胡启恒
Speech at the Plenum of 4th China-U.S.Internet Forum
By Hu Qiheng, Chairperson of the Internet Society of China
November 8, 2010
尊敬的钱小芊副主任,尊敬的罗伯特·赫马茨先生,克瑞格·蒙迪先生,女士们,先生们,Your Excellency Vice Minister Qian Xiaoqian,Your Excellency Mr.Robert Hormats and
Mr.Craig Mundie,Ladies and Gentlemen:
Good afternoon!The 4th China-U.S.Internet Forum, co-hosted by the Internet Society of China(ISC)and Microsoft Corp., formally raises its curtain today.At first, on behalf of the Chinese host – the Internet Society of China, I would like to extend a warm welcome to the guests from Chinese and US Internet industry.I'd also expre my welcome and gratitude to all media friends covering this forum, and thank all my
colleagues from China and the United States who have paid great efforts to organize and prepare for this forum.本届中美互联网论坛的主题是为了更加有用,更加可信赖的互联网,在为期两天的会议期间,双方代表将围绕云计算、网络犯罪和隐私保护的国际合作、在线知识产权保护和标准、互联网法制和新媒体等议题进行交流和对话,共同分享有意义的实践,增进彼此之间的认识和理解,对于促进中美两国互联网行业的健康发展和交流协作,造福两国网民,将起到积极的作用。
This year, the theme of the forum is “for the more useful and reliable Internet.” During the two-day event, delegates from both sides will carry out direct communication and conversation on the topics like “cloud computing”, “International cooperation on Internet crime prevention and privacy protection”, “online intellectual property rights
protection and criteria” and “Internet law and the development of new media”.They will also discu how to innovate and manage Internet industry, share useful experiences and practices as well as enhance mutual recognition and understanding.Through these discuions, the forum will further promote the healthy development of and deepen the cooperation and communication between the Internet industries in China and the USA, and therefore benefit the people in the two countries.近两年来中国网民规模极具扩大,网络基础设施日益完善,互联网普及率不断提高,截至目前,中国网民规模达到4.4亿,互联网普及率攀升到33%,宽带网民规模是3.6亿,使用电脑上网的群体中宽带普及率达到98%,国际出口带宽近1000G,农村网民达到1.15亿,占整体网民的27.4%,网民每周上网的时间继续增加,人均每周上网时长达到19.8小时,特别值得一提的是中国手机网民的规模达到2.77亿,其中只使用手机上网的网民占整体网民的比例提升到了11.7%,使用手机作为上网设备的占比攀升到了65.9%,移动互联网用户在全部移动用户的渗透率达到33%,手机网民在信息获取和交流沟通类的应用上,使用率比较高,手机的即时通信使用率位居首位,达到61.5%,手机搜索以48.4%的使用率排名第二。
In the last two years, the population of Internet users in China has grown rapidly.As the basic network facilities gradually improve, China increasingly expands the coverage of the Internet.By June 2010, China had registered a total of 440 million Internet users and the penetration of the Internet had risen to 33 percent.The broadband users in China had reached 363.81 million and 98.1 percent of the Internet users who surf the Internet on computers have acce to broadband networks.The export of Internet bandwidth had reached nearly 1,000 gigabytes.About 115.08 million people in rural areas have acce to Internet, accounting for 27.4 percent of the total Internet users.The time people spent online continues to increase-each person spending 19.8 hours per week.What deserves to be mentioned is that 277 million people surf the Internet on mobile phones, which accounts for 65.9 percent of the total Internet users and 33 percent of the total mobile phone users, and 11.7 percent of them only get acce to mobile Internet.People usually use mobile Internet to acquire information and communicate with others.Instant
meaging service tops the usage of the mobile Internet, accounting for 61.5 percent, followed by mobile search, which accounts for 48.4 percent.手机网民快速增长的一个重要驱动力是移动互联网的快速发展,3G的普及,基于3G的使用丰富多彩,阅读、音乐、互动社区、支付、应用程序商店等各种应用争奇斗艳,日新月异,吸引着越来越多的手机上网用户。随着三网融合试点工作的不断深入和推进,移动互联网在我国尤其农村地区的发展和普及,还将要进一步加快,当前我国拥有自主知识产权的移动互联网相关产品不断涌现,产业链的参与者越来越多,为用户提供更加便捷和舒适的个性化服务,成为移动互联网产业各方的共识。例如优视科技公司开发的UC浏览器,它拥有完整的自主产权,不但使用方便还可以为用户节省流量,良好的用户体验,超过了全球四亿
The fast development of the mobile Internet network has driven the growth of mobile Internet users.As the 3G networks expand, mobile Internet services based on the
networks, such as mobile search, video, game, reading, music, interactive communities, online payment and application stores, have attracted more and more people to surf the Internet on mobile phones.The coverage of the mobile Internet will further expand in China, especially in rural areas, as the integration of telecom, radio and TV, and Internet networks deepens.At present, there are increasingly more mobile Internet products that have independent intellectual property rights, and more parties joining the industrial links.It has become a consensus to provide more convenient and personalized services for users.UC explorer, developed by UC Mobile Limited, is a succeful example.The product enjoys core technology and full IPR of its own.It’s convenient to use and saves online traffic.The good user experience has resulted in more than 400 million downloads globally.In addition, China also attaches importance to building wirele cities.At present, the cities of Beijing, Shanghai, Nanjing, Hangzhou and Guangzhou have started building wirele networks.During this year’s Guangzhou Asian Games and Asian Para Games, a free wirele service will be available via mobile phones and laptops to acquire competition information.The operators will provide an Internet acce with the speed of 3Mbps and the speed will reach as fast as 10Mbps in some popular areas.Certainly, as the mobile communication technique develops, mobile Internet has vast development space in China.微博的流行也使无线网迅速流行,国内以新浪微博为代表的一批微博发展壮大,开展了中国微博时代,相关机构预测,到2010年底,国内微博服务商的累计注册活跃账户数将突破6500万个。在今年的8月,中国互联网协会主办的2010中国互联网大会期间,会场上首次启用微博互动,腾讯微博在会场安装两块大型显示屏显示会议期间发表的所有的有价值有趣味的内容,大会也首次提供大会嘉宾首次回答微博体温的环节,大众的参与度提高了,由此诞生了一个网络热词——上墙,这个例子充分展现了微博强大的互动效果,及潜在的巨大营销潜力和舆论影响,引起了各方的关注,如何利用好微博等新媒体手段,进一步服务经济发展,和促进公共事务透明化,是我们将要深入探讨和研究的问题之一。
The emergence of microblogging is another highlight of China's Internet industry in recent years.The popularity of Twitter has made the concept of “microblogging” accepted by the public.In China, microblogging services, represented by Sina Microblogging, have rapidly developed, opening the era of microblogging in China.According to a relevant institution’s prediction, by the end of 2010, the active accounts on domestic service
providers will accumulatively reach 65 million.In August, at the China Internet Conference hosted by ISC, microblogging was used as an interactive platform for the first time.Tencent installed two screens in the conference hall, rolling the valuable and interesting contents posted by micro-bloggers about the conference.Speakers were also invited to answer the questions on the micro-blogs.Participation was expanded and a buzzword “on screen” was therefore produced.The word refers to micro-bloggers commenting on the conference and expreing their opinions on their blogs that would be screened at the conference.The example displays the strong interactive function of micro-blogs, whose great marketing potential and public influence have drawn huge attention.How to use new media, especially microblogging, to better serve economic development and promote transparency of public affairs is one of the iues that we are going to thoroughly discu and research.中国的电子商务不断向传统产业渗透,融合,带动相关产业快速发展,并成为基于互联网的新兴服务业,大型企业电子商务应用水平显著提高,并逐渐向网上设计,制造,计划,管理等纵深发展,中小企业在以销售,采购为代表的生产经营各环节的电子商务应用中保持高速增长,并呈现出―多渠道,主动性‖的特征。电子商务服务业的作用也将随着电子商务应用的日益广泛和深入而显得更加突出,在与电子商务相关的信用、支付、物流、IT、金融等领域涌现出越来越多的服务商和服务模式,为电子商务活动提供多样化的服务。据统计2009年中国电子商务交易额达3.8万亿元,其中大中型工业企业电子商务交易额达到1.57万亿元人民币,中小企业电子商务交易额达到1.99万亿人民币,网络购物交易额达到2586亿人民币,占社会零售总额的2.06%。
China's e-commerce continues to integrate with traditional industries and promote the development of relevant industries, forming the new service sectors based on the Internet.Big enterprises have developed their e-commerce levels, expanding to online design, manufacture and management.The applications of e-commerce of medium and small enterprises for producing and operating, especially sales and purchasing, have kept fast growth, with the characteristics of “multi-channels and activene.” As the expansion of e-commerce, its service sectors become more and more important.There are more service providers and modes in relevant trust, billing, logistical, IT and financial sectors.Statistics show that the transaction volumes of China e-commerce reached 3.8 trillion yuan in 2009, of which 1.57 trillion yuan were between large and medium-sized industrial enterprises, 1.99 trillion between medium and small ones.The transaction volumes of online shopping reached 258.6 billion yuan, accounting for 2.06 percent of the total retail sales.政府对互联网技术的发展与创新也非常重视,近年来一直积极推进和加快下一步互联网,物联网,以及云计算等关键技术的研发和产业化,引领产业快速发展。以云计算为例,当前已有阿里巴巴,腾讯,百度中国石化等一些大型企业建立自己的云计算平台,在云计算
The Chinese government attaches great importance to Internet technique
development and innovation.In recent years, China has been promoting and accelerating the research and industrialization of key technique, such as the next generation Internet, the Internet of things and cloud computing, to speed up industrial development.At present, some big enterprises, such as Alibaba, Tencent, Baidu and Sinopec, have established their own cloud-computing platforms.A method to protect users’ data and privacy during the application of cloud computing remains a focus for relevant parties.At the fifth annual Internet Governance Forum(IGF)meeting in September in Vilnius, Lithuania, the iue was specifically discued.For example, in order to protect users’ privacy, Qihoo 360 virus-killing software only uploads executable programs, asks the third party to manage its source code and joins the International Aociation of Privacy Profeionals(IAPP).Microsoft suggested further enhancing the transparency of the privacy protection and security services provided by cloud-computing providers and the collaboration on
combating digital crimes.The Computer Society of Kenya suggested stipulating a global standard for cloud-computing security and privacy protection.尽管近年来中国互联网的发展取得了一定成绩,但仍然有需要地方需要继续努力和积极推动,例如缩小数字鸿沟,抵制网络色情,深化网络版权保护和网络安全工作等,此外中国互联网行业的整体创新能力不够,对互联网的理解利用程度和深度上,仍与国际同行存在一定差距。由于国家所处的发展阶段技术水平积文化方面的差异,中美两国互联网产业在发展过程中发现出不同的特点和情况,同时也存在着许多共同的话题和关注点,因此双方需要进一步加强相互之间的理解,交流和合作。中国互联网协会非常愿意继续积极推动双方交流。
China’s Internet industry has scored a lot during the past few years, but there is still room for improvement, such as narrowing the digital divide, cracking down on online pornography and strengthening Internet copyright protection and online security.In addition, the general lack of innovation lags behind international counterparts in
understanding and utility of the Internet.Due to differences on development phases, technique levels and cultural backgrounds, the Internet industries of China and the USA have different characteristics, but also share many common concerns.Therefore, the two sides need to further strengthen mutual understanding, communication and cooperation.ISC is willing to continue promoting bilateral communication.本届论坛,为双方提供了一个良好的交流互动平台,在接下来的会议过程中希望来自中美两国互联网企业和专家代表们畅所欲言,各抒己见,特别希望中国互联网界的代表们,珍惜本次宝贵的机会认真借鉴和学习美国同仁在互联网创新当中的成功经验和有效做法。
The forum provides a good communication and interactive platform for both sides.In the following seions, I hope the delegates and experts from Chinese and US Internet enterprises will speak their minds without reservation.And in particular, I hope Chinese delegates will cherish this opportunity to learn from succeful US experiences and effective measures on Internet innovation and governance.女士们、先生们,Ladies and gentlemen,让我们脚踏实地,真诚合作携手并进,为营造一个和谐,绿色,更加有用更加可信赖的互联网不懈努力,共同创造互联网的美好明天,最后衷心祝愿本届中美互联网论坛圆满成功!
let’s cooperate earnestly and join hands to create a harmonious, more useful and reliable Internet environment.Let's work together for a better future!I sincerely wish this forum a complete succe!
Thank you!
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