
2020-02-27 教案模板 下载本文




Unit One Where were you last month? Objectives and Requirements目标与要求





二、教学重点掌握“o”的正确读法和发音。熟练运用句式“Where were you yesterday?”、“What was the food like? It was?”


三、教学难点 1.熟练运用句式“Where were you yesterday?”、“What was the food like? It was?”




五、Teaching aids(教具) 1.Gogo, Tony和Jenny的头饰



六、Teaching rocedure(分为三课时)

The First eriod(Vocabulary、Review)

一、Teaching aims:

1.Learn the words of vocabulary.2.Review of Student’s Book 3.二、Teaching imortant oints the new words

三、Teaching difficult oints

the new vocabulary

四、Teaching material:

tae, comuter, objects.五、Teaching methods、Learning methodsGame

六、Teaching Comrehension 1.Revision: A.Say hello to the students

B.Daily reort “Today is ….Yesterday was….2.resentation:

A.Learn the new words base on the icture Cards.B.T disguises “tasty”、“yucky”、“sicy”using objects.C.Read it together and Ss do the actions and how to exlain those words.D.Elicit “What’s the food like?

food 食物

E.Elicit “good” and “bad” by raising the good Ss and bad Ss.F.T asks S1 “Where are you today?”

Guide S1 to say: “I’m at school.”

Lend in “Where were you last night?


I was at home.3.ractice:

G.Oen their books and listen to Review first, then reeat.H.lay a game: Ss write down the laces and ut them in the box, some of them

going to draw lots others ask her or him

“Where were you yesterday?”

“What was the weather like?”

“What was the food like?”

Grou work



I.Design a icture for each new word and coy them twice.七、Teaching writing on the blackboard: Unit One

Where were you last month?










Unit 2 What did you eat this morning?

一、Teaching objectives

1、Language structures

What did you do this morning ?

I read comic books.Did you go to the beach after that ?

No ,I didn’t.I went to the ark.2、New vocabulary

Key : went ,ate, wrote, read ,made, road ,sang, drank Additional :morning,afternoon , evening.Sounds and words :tall ,ten ,tea, teacher, t

welve, toast.3、Skills

Can use the sentences of this leon and master the words.And then

communicate with it.二、Teaching key oints

Words and sentences.三、Teaching difficult oints

Sound and word about “T”.四、Teaching aids

Small food item(bread),milk, calendar, icture cards9-16,clock,aer.TV,Comuter。

The first eriod


1、Where were you yesterday?

2、What was the food like in Modonald’s?

3、Where were you during the winter holiday?


1)New words

T: I’m drinking some milk.(边做边说)

T:(举起空杯子)I drank some milk.板书drink→ drinking→ drank.把面包放进嘴巴食。

T: I’m eating some bread.T:(举起双手并张开空嘴巴).I ate some bread.板书eat→ eating→ ate.用同样方法教授其它单词。


go→ going→ went.

make→ making→ made.ride→ riding→ rode.write→ writing→ wrote.sing→ singing→→ reading→ read.2)Oen your book and read the new words together or in airs.3)lay a game:



A:(close the book)listen to the tae.B:(oen the book)listen and reeat.C: Write down the new sentences on the blackboard and teach:

What did you do this morning?

I read comic books.Did you go to the beach after that?

No, I didn’t.I went to the ark.Use the words to relace the underline art.D: air work

Make some dialogues with these new words.三、Homework

1、Coy the new words and remember them.

2、Recite Target.3、In advance Conversation.Unit 2 What did you eat this morning?

The second eriod



1、look at the ictures and read words together.2、Look at the ictures and answer these questions.A : What did you do yesterday ?

B: Did you go to school last Monday ?

CWhat did you eat this morning ?



1)Listen to the tae first.2)Look at the ictures and sentences ,listen and reeat.3)air work :Let the students use the real objects to ractice the dialogue

in grous, then act it out.4)Oen the book at age 9 and read together

2、Do Exercise(11-12)

A: ractice 1

B: ractice 2

Finish the Ex and check the answers together.3、Chant activity:

A :Listen to tae “I went on tri.”

B: Sing the song after tae.C: Sing the song in grous.4、Oen the book to age13.A: Fill in the right words.B: Answer these questions.The whole cla checks the answer together.三、Homework

1、Recite Conversation.2、Do Workbook at age 8.The Th

ird eriod(Sounds and words)


1、Recite 9----10..2、Dictate the new words and the sentences.


1、Listen, oint and say:

1)Write “tall” and “ten” on the board and underling the letter-t.2)(oint to –t)Let’s ractice this sound.3Let Ss look at teacher’s mouth, and try to understand how to ronounce.4)Look at the ictures, listen to the tae first;5)Look at the ictures listen and reeat;

6)Have Ss reeat after the tae.7)After enough ractice, oint to the ictures randomly and have Ss say

the words.2、Read, say and circle.1)Have Ss look at the aages on the age..2)Listen to the sentences.Circle the words that have the final [t].3)Teacher reads the aages slowly and check if Ss circled the right

words.4)Answer key :A---et, white, rabbit, it, eat, carrot, rabbit, not, arrot,But, it, lot

B---Kate, cat, at, eight, eat, breakfast, at, Nat, Nat, best

5)Give some tine for Ss to ractice reading aloud to themselves.6)When Ss are ready , ask some confident Ss to read the aages out


3、Check the workbook, age 28.4、lay a game:


1、Revise the new words and the sounds.△学生对动词的一般时和过去时的拼写都有一定的认识但对其用法

还是会混淆。对一般疑问句和特殊疑问句中的动词把握不定这个方 面还需多加练习来巩固。

Unit Three Tyhoon Meiling came last week

Teaching Objectives:

1.What a me!There was a tyhoon.What haened? Many trees fell.The wind blew away my hat.1.Asking about and describing ast events.2.Vocabulary: saw, blew, fell, sat, broke, swet, took, came.3.Sound and words: cat, ca, mad, fat, na, sad.Teaching Key oints:

1.Vocabulary and Target.Teaching difficult oints:

1.Asking about and describing ast events.Teaching Comrehension

The First eriod



Ste1: Warm u

1.Ask and answer:

T: Hello, eter.Where were you yesterday?

S: I was in ……

T: Hi, Mary.What did you do last night?

S: I did my homework.2.Ask and answer in airs S1: What did …do ….?

S2: …….Ste2: Vocabulary

1.ut icture Cards 17-24 word side u on the board.2.Write the simle from for each verb above the cards, e.g.see for saw,blow for blew, etc.3.Listen to the tae and reeat.oint to each icture as you say it.4.lay the tae and have Ss reeat each word.5.T:(oint to the words and cards)Ss say the words.6.Say the simle verb forms and have Ss say the corresonding ast

tense verbs.Ste3.Target

1.Write broke on the board.2.broke a gla.

3.T: What haened?(oint to broke on

the board.)

S: You broke a gla.4.Ask individual Ss to read out the sentences.4.lay the tae a few times, ausing after each sentence for Ss to reeat.5.ut Ss into airs and have them ractice the dialogue.Ste4.lay games


动并说What haened?让学生从盒子里分别取出一张卡片和一件

实物并用这两样东西说一个句子如My encil broke.等学生熟悉

活动之后请一位学生来提问What haened?让另一位学生按上面 的方法做出回答。然后让做回答的学生提问下一位同学What




1、coy the vocabulary;

2、Recite Target


Unit3 The Second eriod(Conversation ractice1 ractice2)


1.Revision(recall the new words together)

2.T: What did you do last week?

Ss: I …….

Ste2.Conversation.1.Bring in a hoto of a tyhoon scene where there are fallen trees and

rubbish on the streets(from newsaers, magazines, books, etc.).2.(Hold u the hoto)T: This is a icture of a streets after tyhoon came.What did you see? 3.Elicit resonses from Ss.4.Have Ss look at the age.5.T: Let’s listen to the tae and read the story.6.lay the tae and have Ss look at the ictures and dialog in their books.7.T: Let’s listen again and reeat.8.lay the tae, ausing after each sentence to have Ss reeat.9.ut Ss into small grous and have them ractice acting out the dialog.Ste3.ractice 1

1.lay the tae for ractice1

2.Have Ss ut a checkmark in the correct box.Ste4.ractice2 1.T oint to a icture ask Ss

T: What haened?

S1: She saw a snake.2.Reeat the rocedures with other icture Cards.3.ut students into airs and have them talk about the ictures.

S1: What haened? S2: ……

4.T walk around the room and hel Ss if neceary.Ste5.Homeworks



Unit3 The Third eriod

(Song activity Activity Sounds and words)


1.Ask a Ss to come to the front.2.Have him antomime sweeing the floor.3.T: What haened? Ss: He swet the floor.4.Ask some more Ss to antomime for the cla.Ste2.Song activity




4.完成“Write and chant”的练习。



Ste3.Sounds and words

1.T:(Hold u a ca).Reeat.Ca

(Hold u a cu).Reeat.Cu.2.T: Today we ractice the sound /?/.3.Have Ss look at the book.4.lay the tae and have Ss oint

to each word as the tae says it.5.Have Ss reeat the tae.6.After enough ractice, oint to the ictures randomly and have Ss say

the words.7.Listen to the chant.8.lay the chant again and have Ss ractice chanting.9.Divide Ss into 4 grous.10.T: Let’s see who can chant better!


1、抄写Sounds and words的单词



unit4 Review 1 1热身活动

TS1’s nameyou read the first sentence[S1The window broke.]



TNow listen to the tae.播放题A的录音然后暂停。

TThe window„用动作示意学生回答。[broke.]

TCircle the correct answer.示范划圈


T指着图AWhere were they[SsThey were in Canada.] 新课呈现

TNow look at the other ictures.Can you fill in the miing words


TNow listen to the tae and check your answers。

播放录音逐句停顿让学生核对和改正错误。3 热身活动教师就图画向学生提问题如Who are they等等。新课呈现

TLet’s read the aages。



T指着问题1S1’s namecan you read the question[S1Where was Tony

last month]

TWhat’s the answer S2’s name[S2He was in Chinalast month] 

TRead the other questions and write the answers on the age.继续提问其余问题和完成短文B。4 热身活动请不同的学生大声朗读单词。


TSho。I’ll lay the tae.Let’s find the sound.播放录音。

TCan you find the words the sound Circle them.让学生读出单词让全班核对。


Unit Five What are you going to do today? 第一课时

一、学习目标(Teaching objectives)

1、Vocabulary: take a test, go on vacation, get a haircut, see the doctor,sho for clothes, have a arty, write letters, meet some friends.2、Conversation: A.What are you going to do?

B.I’m go


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