
2020-02-27 教学设计 下载本文



Unit 4 We Love Animals 第一课时教学设计



1.能够能听说、认读dog, duck, bear, pig, cat等几种动物的名称。



1.听说、认读dog, duck, bear, pig, cat等动物的名称 2.学习Let’s chant

三、课前准备: 动物单词卡、课件。


1.Warm-up(Song 唱一唱)热身活动



设计意图:通过拼图游戏复习已学句型,同时拓展与铺垫歌曲内容,通过头脑风暴——看农夫照片想农夫农场的有什么,激活已有生活体验,听轻松愉快的歌曲,带着找出农场上的动物的任务,既复习已学单词,同时引出并教授新单词。T: Good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning, Mi Deng.T: Before the cla, Who can act?(学生自由组合合作对话表演)T: Great!Now, Let’s go to the Macdonald's farm(放歌)T: Then what animals are they? Listen to the song.And you will know it.Listen carefully S:自由回答 2.Prensetation 1)单词教学

①教师提问孩子们,刚才的歌曲中有些什么动物,并进行教授新单词duck, pig, dog, cat等。歌曲中的象声词,帮助学生理解单词的意思。(听完歌曲)T: What animals are on his farm? Ss: duck, pig, dog.T: Yes, there are some ducks on the farm.Follow me, duck, duck, quack, quack.Can you act like a duck? Follow me, please.Duck, duck, quack, quack.Ss: duck做动作Duck, duck, quack, quack.②教师在教授新词的过程中,通过图片渗透let's chant的内容,如Is the pig big? Is the cat fat? Where is the dog? It's on the log.并有意识地通过动作表情等帮助学生理解chant的内容。T: Where is the duck? Look!It’s in the truck.Look at the duck, in the truck.T: Yes, there is a duck on the farm, what else? Yes, cat.Can you act like a cat? Follow me, please.Cat, cat, meow, meow.Together.Is this cat fat? Yes, look at the cat, it is fat.T: What else are on the farm? Yes, dog.Can you act like a dog? Follow me, please.Dog dog bow wow.Together.Where is the dog? Yes, look at the dog, it's on the log.T: dog, cat, duck, what else? Yes, pig.Can you act like a pig? Follow me, please.Pig pig, oink oink.Together.Is the pig big? Yes, look at the pig, it is big.③学生跟录音朗诵韵律诗,然后进行表演。

设计意图:通过在教授单词的过程中渗透韵律诗的含义,通过节奏轻快的节奏,提高诗歌的理解。2)Let's chant(看图唱韵律诗)

T: Look at them!They are so happy.Look at the cat, it is fat.Look at the pig, it is big.Look at the dog, on the log.Look at the duck, on the truck.3)Let's say it together.Ss: Look at the cat, it is fat.Look at the pig, it is big.Look at the dog, on the log.Look at the duck, on the truck.(同桌合作表演读)T: Can you give me the beat? One more time, let's say it together.3.Practice + Presentation巩固操练活动 Look, ask and answer(听音做动作)教师组织两大组孩子通过PK的形式,看图做动作,竞猜游戏。看谁演得好,问得好,答得好。看动作,扮演动作,检查孩子们的对单词的理解与掌握,同时滚动前面的第一课时的句型进行操练,使孩子们在语篇句型中进行操练。(小组竞赛)

T: Do you like these animals? If you like it, please act it out!Now Act like a cat!S: Cat, cat, meow, meow.T: Ok, this time I'd like one student come here and act.Who like to come?

(老师给图片给一个学生代表看,然后那个学生用动作表演该动物)Student A: What's this? Whole cla: It's a...




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