河海大学研究生英语第五版教师教案考试重点Unit 14 To err is human_河海大学研究生英语

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河海大学研究生英语第五版教师教案考试重点Unit 14 To err is human由刀豆文库小编整理,希望给你工作、学习、生活带来方便,猜你可能喜欢“河海大学研究生英语”。

Unit 14 To Err Is Human

*Questions: 1.What's the meaning of the title? 2.What's the proper attitude toward a mistake we make? 3.What's the right attitude toward computer? 4.What's the theme of the article?


*Language points 1.to err is human(to forgive divine)----(saying)it is human nature to sin and make mistakes(and therefore one should be as forgiving as poible)

2.balance---difference between two columns of an account, ie money received or owing and money spent or owed eg.I must check my bank balance.(ie.find out how much money I have in my account.3.tamper---meddle or interfere with sth, alter sth without authority eg.Someone has been tampering with the lock.The records of the meeting had been tampered with.4.improve on/upon sth----achieve or produce sth of a better standard or quality than sth else eg.The German girl improved on her previous best performance in the 100 meters.This achievement has never been improved on.5.beat sb(at sth)----defeat sb, win against sb, do better than sb eg.He beats me at che.6.choke with sth----block or fill(a paage, space,etc)eg.The garden is choked with weeds.The drains are choked with dead leaves.7.rich in sth---producing or having a large supply of sth eg.Oranges are rich in vitamin.The baroque style is rich in ornament.8.embed---fix sth deeply and firmly(in a surrounding ma)eg.The arrow embedded itself in the wall.The idea became embedded in his mind.9.knack---skill at performing some special task, ability eg.Making an omelette is easy once you've got the knack(of it).There's a knack in locking this door which takes a while to master/

I used to be able to skate quite well, but I've lost the knack.Knack of doing sth(often annoying)----habit of doing sth Eg.My car has a knack of breaking down just when I need it most.10.get along---go forward eg.The car could hardly get along on the icy surface.A hot drink will help to get you along on this cold night.11.go by---(of time)pa, elapse eg.As time goes by my memory seems to get worse.The weeks went slowly by.go by sth---(1)be guided or directed by sth eg.I shall go entirely by what my solicitor says.(ie, I shall follow his advice).That's a good rule to go by.(2)form an opinion or judgement from sth eg.It's not always wise to go by appearances.12.screw up---spoil , ruin sth

eg.When I'd finished the exam, I thought I'd screwed up, but I found out later that I'd paed.That last operation on the famous player's knee has screwed up his chances of staying in team.13.stipulate----v.state sth clearly and firmly as a requirement eg.It was stipulated that the goods should be delivered within three days.14.con---v.swindle or persuade sb after gaining his trust eg.You can't con me---you're not really ill.I was conned into buying a usele car.She conned me out of $100.Con---n.instance of cheating sb, confidence trick

Eg.This so-called bargain is just a con.He's a real con merchant.(ie, swindler)

15.stick fast---be or become solidly fixed in one position and unable or unwilling to move eg.His head was stuck fast in the railings.He stuck fast to his theory.(ie, maintained it firmly)

The stone stuck fast in the cement.16.mal adroit----a.not clever or skilful, clumsy,bungling eg.His handling of the negotiations was maladroit.adroit---a.Skilful, clever Eg.He soon became adroit at steering the boat.17.mimic---v.(pt, pp mimicked)copy the appearance or manner of sb/sth in a mocking or amusing way eg.Tom mimicked his uncle's voice and gestures perfectly.18.think sth up----produce sth by thought, invent or devise sth eg.Can you think up a better excuse than that?

How did you think up such a clever way out of our difficulty? She thought up a funny game for the children to play.The prisoner tried to think up a plan for escape.19.at random---without method or conscious choice eg.The terrorists fired into the crowd at random.She opened a book at random.His clothes were scattered about the room at random.20.in the clear---no longer in danger or suspected of sth eg.She was very ill for a few days but doctors say she's now in the clear.

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河海大学研究生英语第五版教师教案考试重点Unit 14 To err is human
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