
2020-02-28 其他范文 下载本文


李智口译笔译一天一练:Day 1 1.既往不咎,尽释前嫌。


1.Forgive and forget.2.there is no doubt that to manage money affairs for each family has become the focus of attention of various parities.But those ordinary people who want to make better use of their money were greatly discouraged by the numerous bad news in capital markets.They are hesitant to make any investment with their hard-earned money because of the fact that the stock price shrank by a large margin,which is followed by the sharp fall of the financial index,even by the shady deals.The book “Accounting” offers excellent solutions to the above problems by introducing the first-hand materials to the readers,including many tools and methods of investment,experience introduction from experts,a large number of authoritative evaluation questions,and particular modes of managing money affairs for different groups of readers.李智口译笔译一天一练:Day 2 1.好事不出门,坏事传千里。

2.随着人才竞争日益激烈,高校的研究计划也越发的昂贵,这使得企业有更多的机会“入侵”校园。美国大多数的药剂公司和整个学术部门签订了合同,实质上是一种学术垄断。据美国教育委员会主席Stanley O.Ikenberry研究发现,特别是在医学教育方面,过去10年,医学教育的质量和性质、决策者们的战略性选择更多的是被市场所左右,而不是从医学教育发展的长远目标出发。1.Bad news travels fast.2.With competition for talented people becoming fiercer,the budget of higher institutions of learning for research rose to a new height,giving more opportunities for the enterprises to get into schools.Most of the pharmaceutical companies have signed contracts with the whole academic circle,which is intrinsically a kind of academic monopoly.Stanley O.Ikenberry,president of the Commiion of Education of the United States,discovered in his research that it was the market instead of the consideration for a long-term development of the medical science that determined the quality and nature of the medical education,and influenced the strategic choice.李智口译笔译一天一练:Day 3 1.一失足成千古恨,再回首已百年身。


1.A little neglect may breed great mischief.2.However,with the development of the city,Shanghai Odeum is becoming more and more inharmonious with its surroundings for its location between the crowded residential area in the south and the Yan an Viaduct——one of the truck roads in Shanghai in the north.The performances in the Odeum were often disrupted by the paing vehicles,while the audiences coming for the performances were troubled by the inconvenience of transportation quite a lot——they had to walk a rather long distance to reach the odeum because there was not parking lot near it at all.Inside the odeum,the stage is quite small,and would seem much crowed if choir and band appear on the stage at the same time.Given the above-mentioned reasons,Shanghai Municipal Government decides to include the 72-year-old Shanghai Odeum in the People's Square Reconstruction Project.Specifically,the odeum will be translated 100 meters southward.Its gate will also be changed——from north-oriented to south-oriented.李智口译笔译一天一练:Day 4 1.人多好办事。

2.榜样总是跑在最前端。在寻求新榜样的努力中,人们将所有美好的标签都贴到了民营科技企业家、以及被冠以“知识精英”之名的海归派身上。新的体制环境对他们宠爱有加,他们成了官员推宠的座上宾,传媒报道的宠儿。如果说台湾高科技的经验是缘起于新竹的那3000个归国留学生,那么我们也有理由将所有光环都加到民营科技企业家和海归们头上。1.Many hands make light work.2.Models are always most attractive.In people's efforts in finding a model,they attributed all the good qualities to the national capitalist in the field of science and technology,and to the “returned students”,the so-called “elite intellectual”。Besides enjoying the rules and systems favorable to them,the national capitalists are the favorites of the government officials and reporters.If we attribute the high technology of Taiwan to those 3000 people who have studied abroad,we can justify our practice of attaching all the good qualities to the national capitalist in the field of science and technology,and to the “returned students”。

李智口译笔译一天一练:Day 5 1.一不做,二不休。

2.随着人才竞争日益激烈,高校的研究计划也越发的昂贵,这使得企业有更多的机会“入侵”校园。美国大多数的药剂公司和整个学术部门签订了合同,实质上是一种学术垄断。据美国教育委员会主席Stanley O.Ikenberry研究发现,特别是在医学教育方面,过去10年,医学教育的质量和性质、决策者们的战略性选择更多的是被市场所左右,而不是从医学教育发展的长远目标出发。

1.As well be hanged for a sheep as a lamb.2.With competition for talented people becoming fiercer,the budget of higher institutions of learning for research rose to a new height,giving more opportunities for the enterprises to get into schools.Most of the pharmaceutical companies have signed contracts with the whole academic circle,which is intrinsically a kind of academic monopoly.Stanley O.Ikenberry,president of the Commiion of Education of the United States,discovered in his research that it was the market instead of the consideration for a long-term development of the medical science that determined the quality and nature of the medical education,and influenced the strategic choice.李智口译笔译一天一练:Day 6 1.欲加之罪,何患无辞。

2.环球影城是全球最大、效益最好的主题公园之一。奥兰多环球影城自1990年开业以来,已吸引了超过一亿人次的游客,而日本大阪环球影城也创下了历史上最成功的主题公园的记录。上海环球影城主题公园项目将以好莱坞众多的电影精品为基础,运用高科技手段,让游客亲身体验电影中的逼真场景,增强游客的参与性和娱乐性,同时,其游乐内容将依托环球影城制作的电影不断进行更新。1.He who has a mind to beat his dog will easily find his stick.2.The Universal Film City is one of the biggest and most profitable theme parks in the world.Orlando Universal Film City has attracted more than 100 million tourists since it was open to public in 1990; while Osaka Universal Film City has been the most succeful theme parks globally.Based on the numerous great films made in Hollywood,Shanghai Universal Film City Theme Park will,with various technological means give the tourists an opportunity to experience the scenes similar to those in the film,thus getting more tourists involved and offering more funs to them.Meanwhile,it will keep on updating the games and entertainments it offers with the films made by Shanghai Universal Film City.李智口译笔译一天一练:Day 7 1.一失足成千古恨,再回首已百年身。


1.A little neglect may breed great mischief.2.However,with the development of the city,Shanghai Odeum is becoming more and more inharmonious with its surroundings for its location between the crowded residential area in the south and the Yan an Viaduct——one of the truck roads in Shanghai in the north.The performances in the Odeum were often disrupted by the paing vehicles,while the audiences coming for the performances were troubled by the inconvenience of transportation quite a lot——they had to walk a rather long distance to reach the odeum because there was not parking lot near it at all.Inside the odeum,the stage is quite small,and would seem much crowed if choir and band appear on the stage at the same time.Given the above-mentioned reasons,Shanghai Municipal Government decides to include the 72-year-old Shanghai Odeum in the People's Square Reconstruction Project.Specifically,the odeum will be translated 100 meters southward.Its gate will also be changed——from north-oriented to south-oriented.李智口译笔译一天一练:Day 8 新华社试水开心网


China’s official media have been the recent target of a 45 billion yuan($6.6 billion)push to expand their influence at home and abroad.This effort has seen the launch of an English edition of the Global Times, a major boost for the domestic and international operations of the official People’s Daily newspaper, and an ambitious plan for state broadcaster CCTV to become a global contender along the lines of CNN, BBC and Al Jazeera.中国政府最近准备斥资人民币450亿元(合66亿美元),以扩大中国各官方媒体在国内外的影响力。政府为此推出了《环球时报》(Global Times)英文版,着力推动了官方报纸《*》(People’s Daily)的国内和国际业务,并启动了一项雄心勃勃的计划,想让中央电视台(CCTV)成为能与美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)、英国广播公司(BBC)和卡塔尔半岛电视台(Al Jazeera)相比肩的全球性媒体。


According to its self-introduction on Kaixin001.com, Xinhua TV is a newly launched 24-hour news service by Xinhua news agency, providing real time video coverage of breaking political, social and economic news, along with in-depth reports, with contributions from reporters in over Xinhua’s 100-plus bureaus world-wide.新华电视在开心网上的自我介绍说,它是新华社新推出的24小时不间断新闻服务,提供突发性政治、社会和经济新闻的实时视频报导以及深度报导,新华社全球100多家分社的记者都将为新华电视提供内容。

李智口译笔译一天一练:Day 9 欧洲人怎么看美国




One thing is clear: Most Europeans think America's political influence in the world was negative over the past five years, but say it has taken a sharply positive turn since Barack Obama's election as U.S.president.When it comes to culture, Europeans' view of America's contributions is more complex.Some aspects are loathed, others are loved.Large numbers of Europeans say they detest American food, but cite films and television shows as the country's best exports.不过有一点是明显的:大多数欧洲人认为过去五年美国在全球的政治影响是负面的,但他们也表示自奥巴马当选美国总统以来,美国的政治影响出现了明显的好转。


李智口译笔译一天一练:Day 10








Struggling with the highest unemployment rates since the 1970s, OECD countries 'should make efforts to help the most vulnerable by ensuring that financial safety nets are adequate for job losers and low-income families and making it a priority to tackle rising youth unemployment,' the organization recommended.李智口译笔译一天一练:Day 11

心焦求职者 宁缺也勿滥


华盛顿的职业顾问乔普拉(Karen Chopra)清楚地了解“第一份工作邀请饥渴症”带来的全部危害。


翻译练习: But rather than letting her clients succumb, Ms.Chopra will discu a position's pros and cons with them to figure out how much they like the job versus how much they just want to stop searching.'Most people hate the job search,' she says.'It's an anxiety-producing time.But there are real dangers to taking a job that is not a good fit.'

If you're in a job you dislike, for instance, you may not perform well.And if you leave the job after a few months, there will be a short stint to explain

on your resume.词汇提示:

succumb vi.屈服;屈从 pros and cons 利弊




李智口译笔译一天一练:Day 12 中国最年轻市长遭人肉搜索




Zhou’s meteoric rise through the local government ranks since his graduation from Tsinghua University in 2004 has drawn many skeptics who doubted his qualifications and questioned his rapid promotion.In online forums, they have demanded more information about his family background, personal connections and the procedures involved in his appointment as mayor of Yicheng, a small city of 200,000.Searchers haven’t found any political connections in his faily background, though it still seems, at times, that Zhou can do no right.Web users posted a photo of Zhou on a visit to a local farm that shows him standing with his hands behind his back as another person held an umbrella for him.This was juxtaposed with a photo of Premier Wen Jiabao walking in the rain, carrying his own umbrella for an unflattering comparison to the young mayor.词汇提示:

juxtapose vt.使并置, 使并列



李智口译笔译一天一练:Day 13):《变形金刚2》 通用汽车活广告?


《变形金刚2》在中国上映的头5天里,累计获得2,190万美元的票房,创下了英文电影在中国的票房纪录。该片为通用汽车(General Motors)提供了一个无与伦比的大屏幕广告平台──影片以显著地位展示了通用汽车产品。


While some critics have panned the movie as 'a horrible experience of unbearable length,' there's no doubt 'Transformers' resonates with Chinese audiences who were introduced to the cast of Autobots and their battle against evil when the cartoon series and action figures were brought here in the late 1980s.Some filmgoers have commented that the real stars of 'Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen' are not Shia LaBeouf and Megan Fox, but the GM line-up of cars, led by the Chevrolet Camaro as the Autobot Bumblebee.尽管一些批评人士说这部影片是“对难以容忍的片长的一种恐怖体验”,对那些在上世纪80年代末《变形金刚》动画片和动作人物引入中国时就接触到“汽车人”及其与邪恶势力的斗争的中国观众来说,《变形金刚2》毫无疑问引起了共鸣。

一些观众评论说,《变形金刚2》中的真正明星不是希亚•拉伯夫(Shia LaBeouf),也不是梅根•福克斯(Megan Fox),而是通用汽车的系列产品,其中为首的就是雪佛兰(Chevrolet)Camaro“扮演”的大黄蜂。

李智口译笔译一天一练:Day 14



大多数预测人士似乎都认为经济增长将在未来几个季度持续疲软,但会在2008年下半年回升到趋势水平──雷曼兄弟(Lehman Brothers)研究报告,2007年12月12日。

目前这场上世纪三十年代以来幅度最深、时间最长的经济衰退将在2009年下半年结束──富国银行(Wells Fargo)新闻稿,2008年12月19日


Calls for a 'second-half' recovery have been a common theme of this receion-and so far, have only underscored the degree to which forecasters underestimated the magnitude of this downturn.Indeed, rather than the second-half recovery originally expected last year, the credit crisis intensified, maive layoffs ensued, and by year-end the global economy was mired in its worst downturn since the Great Depreion.关于下半年经济复苏的说法已经成为了这场经济衰退迄今的一个共同主题,这只说明了预测人士严重低估了此次经济衰退。实际上,经济非但没有像原先设想的那样在去年下半年实现复苏,信贷危机反而进一步加剧,导致大量人员失业,年底前全球经济陷入了大萧条以来最为严重的下滑。

李智口译笔译一天一练:Day 15 买国货就买奔驰宝马? 背景资料:

China's ''buy Chinese' policy may have some loopholes big enough to drive a Beemer through.Beijing has called for Chinese companies to obtain more of the stimulus-related contracts, and the government's auto industry support plan requires domestic brands to account for 50% of new official vehicle purchases.Yet tongues are wagging over a government procurement list of suitable official vehicles that includes Mercedes-Benz and BMW.中国“购买国货”的政策可能存在一些足够大的漏洞,大到“宝马”也能乘虚而入。



The list actually includes the luxury auto makers' Chinese joint ventures.Mercedes-Benz vehicles in China are made through a partnership with Beijing Automotive Industry Holding Co.known as Beijing Benz-DaimlerChrysler Automotive Co., while BMW has teamed with Brilliance China Automotive Holdings to manufacture and sell its cars domestically.这份清单实际上包括了豪华汽车厂家在中国的合资企业。中国的奔驰车是通过与北京汽车工业控股有限公司(Beijing Automotive Industry Holding Co.)设立的合资企业北京奔驰-戴姆勒-克莱斯勒汽车有限公司(Beijing Benz-Daimlerchrysler Automotive Co.)生产的,而宝马则与华晨中国汽车控股有限公司(Brilliance China Automotive Holdings)合资生产并在国内销售宝马品牌的汽车。

李智口译笔译一天一练:Day 16 中美携手重建阿富汗





This month, the Afghan foreign minister visited China to generate interest in oil, gas and iron-ore conceions.He and his Chinese counterpart agreed to study ways to open up commercial traffic on their 47-mile shared border--located in a remote mountain region and largely inacceible--such as building a road through the area.阿富汗外交部长本月访问中国,两国商谈了在石油、天然气和铁矿石项目进行合作的兴趣。阿富汗外长和中国官员同意研究在中阿两国47英里边境开放商业往来的可能性,例如修建一条通往边境地区的道路。中国和阿富汗边境位于偏远山区,大多不通车。

李智口译笔译一天一练:Day 17 关掉大脑里自我怀疑的声音






If these real-life examples sound familiar, you may have a caustic commentary running in your head, too.Psychologists say many of their patients are plagued by a harsh Inner Critic--including some extremely succeful people who think it's the secret to their succe.如果这些真实的事例对你来说感觉非常地熟悉,那么你的头脑里可能也有那么一个严厉的声音在回荡。心理学家称,很多病人都备受苛刻的自我怀疑的折磨──包括一些非常成功的人士,他们认为这正是自己成功的秘诀。

李智口译笔译一天一练:Day 18 婚姻使人肥?

In an interesting result, the study found that while women living with, but not married to, a romantic partner were also more likely to become obese, men cohabitating with a romantic partner had no increased risk of obesity.The researchers said that they are still unclear why that may be the case.词汇提示:

obese adj.肥胖的;肥大的 cohabitate 同居 obesity n.肥胖


李智口译笔译一天一练:Day 19 塑造旧上海滩的匈牙利大师

In the early 1930s I.M.Pei, then a teenager, walked out of the Grand Theatre on Shanghai's West Nanjing Road after a movie, glanced up--and was spellbound.The Park Hotel, next door to the theater, was the tallest building in town, a splendid Art Deco specimen that soared powerfully over a low-slung city.The young man who would go on to design famous structures around the world says it played a key role in his decision to become an architect.词汇提示:

spellbound a.被咒语所镇住的, 被迷住的 Art Deco 装饰艺术

20世纪30年代,当时还只有十几岁的贝聿铭(I.M.Pei)看完电影,走出坐落于上海南京西路的大光明大戏院(Grand Theatre)。他抬头往上看,被一幅景象深深地打动了。剧院旁边的国际饭店(Park Hotel)是当时上海最高的建筑,作为装饰艺术(Art Deco)的典范作品,它威严俯瞰着由众多低矮小楼组成的上海滩。日后设计了很多世界著名建筑的贝聿铭说,这一情景给他带来了极大震撼,让他从此走向建筑设计之路发挥了重要的推动作用。

李智口译笔译一天一练:Day 20 油价即将回落? 背景资料:






Oil bulls have focused on two notions: a weaker dollar and rising demand from China.When the dollar declines, commodity prices tend to rise since they are priced in dollars.Need more of the weak buck to buy the same amount of crude, all things being equal.There is something to this idea, because the dollar has struggled and many expect it to have a rough go amid soaring


李智口译笔译一天一练:Day 21 中国推迟预装绿坝软件

China's government delayed its controversial requirement that manufacturers include Web-filtering software in all new personal computers sold in the country--an 11th-hour move that shows the challenges Beijing faces in its wide-ranging efforts to rein in the In ternet.中国政府推迟了要求电脑厂家从7月1日开始为所有新出售的个人电脑配备网络过滤软件这一备受争议的做法。这个在最后关头采取的举措显示出北京在加强互联网控制方面所面临的挑战。

李智口译笔译一天一练:Day 22

油价创纪录一周年 今年好景不再




首先是全球最大的原油消耗国美国传出的消息:失业率上升至9.5%,为里根(Ronald Reagan)总统第一任以来的最高纪录;同时联邦政府也裁员。我们在道琼斯通讯社的同事报导,制造、建筑和专职服务业(就业)都出现大幅下滑,这残酷地提醒人们,经济复苏之路绝非坦途。欧元区失业率也达到9.5%,为10年高点。失业率增长意味着不安定因素增加、开支减少以及燃料消耗量下降。


But this might not even be the worst news for oil bulls.Months of big OPEC production cuts have been a primary factor for the sweeping recovery in crude prices.But that hardnosed disciplined is wavering as a steady stream of increased production from some of the cartel's members quietly enters the market.但对于看涨原油的人来说,上述消息还算不上最糟糕的。连月来欧佩克大幅减产是原油价格全面反弹的主要因素。但欧佩克的戒律正在动摇,一些成员国增产,悄然为市场提供了稳定的供应。

口译笔译- 英文简历

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英语精英俱乐部——English Elite Club No1.联合国秘书长2011年世界防治结核病日致辞This year on World Tuberculosis Day there is cause for optimism.The recent adopti......



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