
2020-02-25 演讲稿 下载本文


At this time of year, few sights evoke more feelings of cheer and goodwill than the twinkling lights of a Christmas tree.每年此时,没有什么情景比一棵圣诞树上闪烁的灯光更让人感到欢乐祥和。

The popularity of a tree at Christmas is due in part to my great-great grandparents, Queen Victoria and Prince Albert.After this touching picture was published, many families wanted a Christmas tree of their own, and the custom soon spread.人们对圣诞树的喜爱要部分归功于我的高祖父母——维多利亚女王和阿尔伯特亲王。这张温馨的图片公布后,很多家庭都想要一棵自己的圣诞树,这一习俗也很快普及开来。

In 1949, I spent Christmas in Malta as a newly-married naval wife.We have returned to that island over the years, including last month for a meeting of Jesus leaders;and this year I met another group of leaders: The Queen's Young Leaders, an inspirational group, each of them a symbol of hope in their own Commonwealth communities.1949年,初为军嫂的我在马耳他度过圣诞节。这此后多年,我们多次故地重游,上个月还在那里召开英联邦领导人会议。今年我还会晤了另一批领导人,―女王青年领袖‖,这是一个鼓舞人心的团体,每个人都是各自英联邦社区的希望。

Gathering round the tree gives us a chance to think about the year ahead--I am looking forward to a busy 2016, though I have been warned I may have Happy Birthday sung to me more than once or twice.聚在圣诞树旁,我开始展望来年。我盼望着2016年忙忙碌碌,尽管有人说,我可能不止一次两次听到生日歌。

It also allows us to reflect on the year that has paed, as we think of those who are far away or no longer with us.Many people say the first Christmas after losing a loved one is particularly hard.But it’s also a time to remember all that we have to be thankful for.圣诞树让我们回首过去的一年,于是我们想到了那些远离我们的人。很多人说失去平生所爱后的第一个圣诞节是最艰难的,可此时 也该想想我们要感恩的人。

It is true that the world has had to confront moments of darkne this year, but the Gospel of John contains a verse of great hope, often read at Christmas carol services: “The light shines in the darkne, and the darkne has not overcome it.” 今年,我们确实面对了诸多黑暗时刻。可《约翰福音》有一句充满希望的话这样说,圣诞赞歌中常常朗诵,―光明照亮了黑暗,黑暗却无法蒙蔽光明。‖

One cause for thankfulne this summer was marking seventy years since the end of the Second World War.On VJ Day, we honored the remaining veterans of that terrible conflict in the Far East, as well as remembering the thousands who never returned.我们心怀感恩的一件事是今年夏天是二战结束七十周年纪念。在对日作战胜利日,我们给在远东作战的在世老兵们授勋,同时也缅怀数千名没有归来的战士。

The proceion from Horse Guards Parade to Westminster Abbey must have been one of the slowest ever, because so many people wanted to say 'thank you' to them.从骑兵卫队场到威斯敏斯特宫的游行大抵是行进最慢的一次,太多的人想对他们说一声―谢谢‖。

At the end of that War, the people of Oslo began sending an annual gift of a Christmas tree for Trafalgar Square.It has five hundred light bulbs and is enjoyed not just by Christians but by people of all faiths, and of none.At the very top sits a bright star, to represent the Star of Bethlehem.战争结束后,奥斯陆人民每年向特拉法加广场赠送一棵圣诞树。树上挂着500个灯泡,不仅基督徒喜爱它,无论何种信仰或有无信仰的人们都喜爱它。在树顶有一颗明星,它代表着―伯利恒之星‖。

The custom of topping a tree also goes back to Prince Albert's time.For his family's tree, he chose an angel, helping to remind us that the focus of the Christmas story is on one particular family.这一风俗也要追溯到阿尔伯特亲王时代。他把一个天使放在家里的圣诞树顶,提醒我们圣诞节纪念了一个家庭的故事。

For Joseph and Mary, the circumstances of Jesus's birth--in a stable – were far from ideal, but worse was to come as the family was forced to flee the country.It’s no surprise that such a human story still captures our imagination and continues to inspire all of us who are Christians, the world over.对于约瑟和玛丽而言,耶稣出生在马厩,这样的环境够糟得了,可更糟糕的是这家人还被迫逃离故土。这个故事依旧牵动着全世界所有的基督徒的心。

Despite being displaced and persecuted throughout his short life, Christ's unchanging meage was not one of revenge or violence but simply that we should love one another.基督短暂的一生中颠沛流离、饱受迫害,可他一如既往倡导的不是复仇和暴力,而是人人相爱。Although it is not an easy meage to follow, we shouldn't be discouraged;rather, it inspires us to try harder: to be thankful for the people who bring love and happine into our own lives, and to look for ways of spreading that love to others, whenever and wherever we can.尽管践行不易,我们也不要灰心。这鼓励着我们要加倍努力,感谢那些给我们生命带来爱和幸福的人,并想方设法将那份爱传递给他人——无论何时,无论何地。

One of the joys of living a long life is watching one’s children, then grandchildren, then great grandchildren, help decorate the Christmas tree.And this year my family has a new member to join in the fun!长寿的喜悦之一是儿孙绕膝。先是儿女,然后是孙辈,现在有重孙辈帮我装扮圣诞树。今年,我家又有一位新成员共享天伦。The customary decorations have changed little in the years since that picture of Victoria and Albert's tree first appeared, although of course electric lights have replaced the candles.自维多利亚和阿尔伯特的圣诞树出现以来,传统的圣诞装饰变化甚微,当然,电灯取代了蜡烛。

There’s an old saying that ―it is better to light a candle than curse the darkne‖.There are millions of people lighting candles of hope in our world today.老话说,―与其诅咒黑暗不如点燃蜡烛‖。今天,我们的世界,成百上千万的人点燃希望的烛火。Christmas is a good time to be thankful for them, and for all that brings light to our lives.值此圣诞佳节,向他们表示感谢,感谢所有给我们生活带来光明的人。I wish you a very happy Christmas.我祝愿大家圣诞节快乐。

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