
2020-02-28 其他范文 下载本文



(一)Gradually, black powder was introduced to blast down the coal, but undercutting, sidecutting, and drilling were still done by hand.During the late 1700s and 1800s, a number of basic developments greatly aided the mining of coal.The first steam engine was invented by James Watt in 1775 in Britain to pump water from coal mines, a very important application that made it poible for mines to go deeper.The first rail transportation was for mining, the first steam locomotive was developed in 1814 by George Stephenson in England for a colliery and the first electric locomotive was developed in 1814 by George Stephenson in England for a colliery,and the first electric locomotive was developed in 1883 in Germany for underground use.Accumulation of vegetal matter is now occurring in areas of the world ranging from subarctic to tropical resulting in formation of peat.Two major types of peat land can be recognized:(1)that developing on continental interior areas relatively elevated above sea level, and(2)that forming in low coastal areas ciose to sea level.In both types of areas, pea formation requires that growth of vegetation exceed that of decay and that the plant material be allowed to accumulate and not be removed by erosion.Many of these marine animals and plants extracted calcium carbonate from the seawater.When their remains accumulated on the sea fioor, their shells and fine calcium carbonate muds formed deposits commonly from a few feet up to hundreds of feet thick that are now limestone and dolomite.After plan material accumulatesand is buried by various sediments, it may be removed by the downward erosive action of streams.Its absence in the rock sequence is termed a washout or cutout.Washouts may happen shortly after deposition of the peat or much later, even after the coal has been covered by other sediments.The channel is later filled with mud and sand deposits so that the normal position of the coal is occupied by shale or sandstone.大学采煤专业外语学习影响因素调查经过几个月的专业外语学习,你对专业外语

A 很了解B 有了一定的了解C还是不很了解D 一点都不了解经过几个月的专业外语学习,你是否愿意继续学习专业外语

A 很愿意B 有点愿意C不太愿意D 一点都不愿意你认为将来工作时能用到专业外语吗?

A 能用到B 能用到一点C不太清楚D 一点都用不到你认为学习专业外语重要吗?

A 很重要B 有点重要C不太重要D 一点都不重要你认为就这几个月的专业外语学习,就自己有限的学习内容,你理解的程度

A 理解得很透彻B 有了一定的理解C不是很理解D 一点都不理解 6 你认为专业外语学不好的主要原因是什么?

A 没有语言环境 B 没有动力C教材不合适D 教学方法不合适E 其它 7 你认为现在专业外语的教材怎么样?

A 太难B 有点难C中等D 不太难你认为现在专业外语的教学方法怎么样?

A 好B一般C不太好D 一点都不好你认为教师平时的教学进度怎么样?

A 太快B 有点快C正好D 不快通过专业外语的学习,你认为你的学习能力提高了吗?

A 提高了很多B 有一点提高C和原来一样D 一点都没提高


A 专业知识B 英语学习能力C与同学合作的能力D 查阅文献资料的能力 11 谈谈你对专业外语学习的建议:





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