(四)Stories of resistance;Shades of grey
Beautiful Souls: Saying No, Breaking Ranks, andHeeding the Voice of Conscience in Dark Times.ByEyal Pre.美丽灵魂:说不,打破等级,留心黑暗时代中道德之音。
You have a decent job and work hard.You keepyour nose clean, respect authority and have never joined a protest march.Suddenly youhave the bad luck to face a cruel and seemingly impoible choice.Your superiors tell you todo something outrageous or unacceptable.Do you obey or, at grave personal cost,refuse? In “Beautiful Souls”, a subtle and thoughtful book, Eyal Pre, an Americanjournalist, tells the stories of four very ordinary people who, in widely different times, placesand circumstances, surprised themselves by saying “no”.你有份体面的工作并且做得很努力。你保持洁身自爱,尊重权威,从不加入抗议性游行中。突然你不幸的要面对残忍几乎表面来看不可能的选择:你的上级令你去做你粗暴不可接受的事。服从命令还是牺牲重大的个人代价去拒绝?在精细巧妙充满思想的”美丽灵魂”一书中,美国记者Eyal Pre为您讲述一个关于四位来自不同时空不同地点不同环境的普通人在说出“不”之后得到的意想不到的结果。
This morally courageous foursome includes a Swi police official who broke the law in 1938by giving entry permits to Jewish refugees;a Serb who, at risk to his own life, savedcaptured Croats from summary execution during the Serb-Croat war in 1991;an Israelispecial-forces soldier in the occupied territories who could no longer stomach orders toprotect Israeli settlers who were doing wrong, as he saw it, to Palestinian farmers;and amid-ranking whistle-blower in a Texas investment company accused of fraud.这个着实勇敢的四人组包括一名1938年因给犹太逃亡者放行二触犯法律的瑞士警官;一名冒生命危险在1991年救了在塞尔维亚克罗地亚战争中即将被草率处决的克罗地亚人的塞尔维亚人;一名在被占领土的以色列特种兵,就像他看到的,不能再容忍错误的针对巴勒斯坦农民而保护以色列移居者的命令;还有一名在德克萨斯投资公司被指控诈骗罪的中层内部揭发者。
At first glance, this looks like a jumble of risks and motives.The policeman had to be braveover months.The Serb had to decide in an instant.The Israeli soldier s disquiet nagged foryears before he quit.The whistle-blower was fired, whereas the Serb faced being shot.Thatlack of a pattern, though, is part of Mr Pre s point.We recognise moral bravery when wesee it.Explaining it is extremely hard.乍一看,这书是危险与动机的混杂体。警察不得不在数月里保持勇敢。塞尔维亚人不得可锐教育官网http://www.daodoc.com
不即刻做决定。以色列士兵在退役前数年的焦虑让他烦恼不已。揭发者被炒了,另一方面塞尔维亚人面临枪决。这些例子乍一看没有什么共性,但这也是Mr Pre所要强调的地方。当我们看到它时会认可道德上的勇气。而要解释清楚却极端困难。
On stage and in the pulpit, moral dilemmas of this kind tend to have a black-and-whiteclarity.Working from life, Mr Pre brings out the greys.All of the choices he looked at werehard, and only the Serb s involved a clear-cut decision in the moment.The good achieved byeach of these “beautiful souls” was small: the few lives the Serb and the Swi policemansaved were a pittance when set against greater evils they could not stop.The soldier has notstopped Israel s settlement-building, and the whistle-blower did not dent the financialsystem.So why did they do it?
在舞台上也好,在讲道坛上也好,这类的道德上的是与非往往很明确,就是非黑即白。而在实际生活中,Mr Pre提出还有“灰色”这种情况。他所观察到的所有抉择都极其困难,只有塞尔维亚人在那刻卷入的抉择时则是心里明镜似的。这些美丽灵魂的所作所为只是造成很小范围内的而影响:少数人让塞尔维亚人存活了下来,瑞士警察所解救的也只是沧海一粟,对其他更强大的恶势力更是无能为力。士兵没能阻止以色列的殖民建设,揭发者也没能削弱金融系统。所以为什么主人公们还要这么做呢?
Without claiming to have firm answers, Mr Pre sees three factors at work.One is that thesepeople listened to their emotions.Faced with the unacceptable, their instincts rebelled.Direct confrontation was also important.The challenge to their moral sensibility was face-to-face.This was not true of the whistle-blower, but her conduct suggests to Mr Pre athird element.She was not a rebel out to flout authority or change the rules.On thecontrary, she acted to protect rules that her superiors flouted.虽然Mr Pre申明这些问题没有确切的回答,但他看到有这样的三个因素在起作用。一个原因就是主人公们都听从了他们的心做出选择。面对不能接受的事物,他们本能的反叛排斥。直接的抗争也很重要。这对他们道德感情的挑战是直接面对面的。这不适合揭发者,但是揭发者的行为也给Pre先生带去了第三个重要的要素。她不是个试图藐视权威或改变规则的叛逆者。相反,她维护了那些她的上级没有遵守的规则。
In leading us through such thickets, Mr Pre points to studies in psychology and tophilosophical work on moral dilemmas.A drier sort of book might have probed morewhether our moral emotions are always reliable and how sure naysayers must be beforeoutright disobedience is their best course.On the other hand “Beautiful Souls” gains muchfrom its storytelling approach.It is rich in personal, circumstantial details that analyticalthinkers in search of clear principles may overlook.These are modern instances of ancientpuzzles, and Mr Pre is wise not to pretend to be offering new wisdom.在引导我们穿越错综复杂的进程中,Pre先生表明了心理学的研究和道德两难时的哲学著作。一种更纯粹故事的书可能更能探测出我们的道德情感是否总是可靠,如何在拒绝者们完全不服从前确定那是他们最好的道路。另一方面“美丽灵魂”以它讲故事的特别方式收益很多。大量的人物塑造和环境描写可能会被善于分析的读者们在一味寻找清晰理念的过程可锐教育官网http://www.daodoc.com
Doctor or decorator?
Stéphane Richard, the new bo of France Telecom,wants to overhaul its strategy as well as itsoffices;
法国电信新任CEO Stéphane Richard 准备大举革新经营战略,办公环境也待旧貌换新颜;
When Stéphane Richard appeared recently in Paris Match, a celebrity and news magazine,lightly tanned in an open-necked shirt and leaning jauntily against the corporate logo of hisnew firm, France Telecom, he raised eyebrows in the buttoned-down world of Frenchtelecoms.Mr Richard did not attend the elite engineering school which produces almost all ofFrance’s senior telecoms executives, including his predeceor at France Telecom, DidierLombard, and the bo of Vivendi, a rival.Instead, he is a political operator who has made afortune in property.He is a friend of Nicolas Sarkozy, France’s president, and worked untilrecently as chief of staff to the finance minister.He became bo of France Telecom lastmonth with the immediate task of responding to a wave of suicides among employees whichhad prompted a political outcry.最近,Stéphane Richard的照片登上了名人新闻杂志《巴黎竞赛画报》,他穿着敞领衬衫,肤色微黑,背靠着公司的标志,看起来很时尚。他新执掌的公司法国电信相当传统,这一举动也让全公司吃了一惊。法国电信业的绝大部分高管都出身著名工程院校,包括Stéphane Richard的前任Didier Lombard,还有法国电信对头公司威望迪集团的老总。和这些人背景不同,Stéphane Richard是个政治活动家,靠房地产起家。他是萨科奇的好友,直到最近还是财政部的办公厅主任。上个月他成为法国电信的首席执行长,上任后立即着手处理公司员工自杀潮。此前,法国电信员工的连续自杀曾引发政治抗议。
Since 2008 over 30 France Telecom employees have killed themselves, some explicitlyblaming the company.Even though the firm’s suicide rate is in line with the national average,France Telecom says that it was partly to blame.Because of the group’s former status aspart of government, 66,000 or 65% of its employees are claed as civil servants, withguaranteed tenure.Unable to fire them, France Telecom instead subjected them to a systemcalled “Time to Move”, in which they were obliged to change offices and jobs abruptly everyfew years.仅2008年中,就有30名员工自杀,对其中一些自杀事件,很明显公司难辞其咎。尽管公司的自杀率和全国平均自杀率一样高,法国电信坚称只负有部分责任。法国电信集团前身属于政府部门,66000名员工划定为公务员,享有固定工作年限。由于无法解雇这批人,公司实施了名为“定时重组”的措施,每隔几年,强令安于其位的员工换办公室或调职。可锐教育官网http://www.daodoc.com
“The former management needed to change the nature of peoples’ jobs due to technologicalchange and increased competition,” says Mr Richard, “but the company underestimatedthe consequences.” For the first time in 15 years, he has promised, France Telecom willexpand its workforce.Job and office moves will become voluntary, and up to 30% of thevariable pay of the firm’s top 1,100 managers will be tied to their “social” performance.Other measures include making France Telecom’s numerous offices more pleasant: thecompany will renovate 800 of its buildings and create 270 new “conviviality spaces” foremployees.Richard说:“科技日益更新,竞争也日渐激烈,所以以前的公司管理才要求不断变动工作性质。但是管理层显然低估了这样做的后果。”他承诺公司会增加雇员,这是法国电信15 年来第一次增员。今后,员工调职和换办公室必须出于自愿,1100名高层经理30%的薪水根据社会绩效调整。其他措施包括重新装修800幢办公楼,新增 270处员工休闲场所,创造让员工身心愉快的办公环境。
Mr Richard, a former board member, joined the firm in 2009 as heir apparent to MrLombard, with the bleing of the government, which still holds a 27% stake.He was notdue to take over until next year, but the handover was accelerated in the midst of the crisis.In an unusual outburst last week, Louis-Pierre Wenes, the group’s former deputy chiefexecutive, who resigned under preure last year, told a British website that “externalstakeholders” in France Telecom had taken advantage of the suicides to advance theiragenda.Mr Lombard was not close to the current administration, whereas Mr Richard is.2009年Richard以董事身份加入电信集团,政府指定他接任Lombard的位置,现在他仍有27%的股份。他本打算明年接手公司,不料自杀潮造成的危机促成了权力交接。去年,前任副总裁Louis-Pierre Wenes迫于压力辞职,他在上周向一家英国网站披露了不寻常的内幕:法国电信的某位股东,利用自杀事件夺取公司管理权。现在Richard所在的管理层将Lombard排除在外。
Minority shareholders are now waiting to hear in detail what Mr Richard plans for the businebeyond improving morale.He is a talented communicator, but some foreign investorsgrumble that despite having been at the firm for over six months, he tends to turn to otherexecutives when asked for precise details on France Telecom’s financial performance.ButMr Richard clearly has lots of busine nous.The grandson of a shepherd, he made hisfortune from a leveraged buy-out of a property developer, Nexity, in 2000-01.He is likelyto push France Telecom into behaving like a private firm, and further away from its past as apublic monopoly.小股东希望听到Richard有更详尽的商业规划,而不仅仅是提升士气。他处事圆熟,一些外国投资者仍然指责他:尽管执掌公司已六月有余,一旦面对公司财务状况详情的质询,就推诿给其他高管。但是毋庸置疑的是,Richard颇有商业头脑。2000年1月,这个牧羊人的孙子用杠杆收购的方法得到了一家房地产开发公司,自此起家。他想让法国电信按私有企业的方式运作,进而完全脱离国有控制。
“Stéphane Richard is far more attuned to the market than Didier Lombard,” says Xavier 可锐教育官网http://www.daodoc.com
Niel,founder of Iliad, a young telecoms firm which has upended the French broadband market.“Under his management France Telecom will become a more dangerous competitor for us.”Already, while at the finance ministry, Mr Richard demonstrated a strong belief in thebeneficial effects of competition by helping Iliad obtain a mobile licence in the face offierce resistance from the incumbents and their political allies.Xavier Niel是伊里亚特公司的创建者。这家公司成立时间不长,却逆转性地掌握了法国的宽带业务。Xavier Niel这样评价Richard:“在把握市场这方面,Didier Lombard远逊于Stéphane Richard。在他的领导下,法国电信会成长为更具威胁性的对手。”当Richard还在财政部供职时,曾协力伊里亚特公司取得3G牌照,尽管面对当局和政治同盟的重重阻力,Richard仍公开表示支持,他深信这样做有利于市场竞争。
In the past, says Mr Richard, France Telecom, having recruited most of the graduates of theX-Corps des Telecoms, the most elite stream of telecoms students, “thought there were fewskills or knowledge on telecoms outside France Telecom”.Engineers still tend to call theshots, rather than marketing types.Whereas Iliad offers just one kind of set-top box, hepoints out, the equivalent product from France Telecom appears in 140 different types andgenerations, resulting in far too much complexity for users.“We must not lose oursuperiority in technology, research and development and innovation,” he says, “but weneed to be more marketing-oriented and mindful of customers”.Richard指出,法国电信过去一直聘用名门院校的通信高材生,“认为在技术智能方面,除了法国电信,再无业界翘楚。”公司管理由技术人员而非营销人员主导。他以机顶盒举例,伊里亚特推出的产品只有一种类型,法国电信的同类产品竟有 140种类型,每种类型还有换代产品,大大增加了操作的难度。“我们必须牢牢掌控技术优势,同时需要适应市场导向,满足顾客需求。”
With its premium products and pricing in France, which provides two-thirds of its cashflow,France Telecom’s market share and profits are being eroded by newcomers such as Iliad,which will launch its new mobile service in 2012.The firm’s shares performed far worse thanthose of its European peers in 2009, says Antoine Pradayrol of Exane BNP Paribas, abrokerage.Investors want to know how Mr Richard will fend off France Telecom’s rivals aswell as how he will cheer up its staff.凭着优质的产品和有竞争力的价格,法国电信在国内的收入占到运作资金的2/3。然而,外来者正在蚕食国内市场份额和利润,比如伊里亚特就将在2012年推出新的3G服务。法巴银行证券部门的股票交易人Antoine Pradayrol 说,2009年法国电信的股票表现十分甚差,远逊于欧洲同行。投资者迫切想知道Richard如何击败竞争对手,重振公司士气。
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