英语演讲选修课教案7Methods of delivery_英语演讲选修课教案

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Chapter 7Methods of delivery

Four basic methods of delivering a speech

1.Reading from a manuscript: A speech that is written out word for word and read to the audience.2.Reciting from memory

3.Speaking impromptu: a speech delivered with little or no immediate preparation.4.Speaking extemporaneously: A carefully prepared and rehearsed speech that is presented from a brief set of notes.The speaker’s voice

1.volume : the loudne or softne of the speaker’s voice.Too loud, your listeners will think you boorish

Too soft, your listeners will not understand you.To be heard clearly is the principle.2.Pitch: the highne or lowne of the speaker’s voice.Monotone: a constant pitch or tone of voice,(no variation in pitch)should be avoid.3.Rate: the speed at which a person speaks.There is no uniform rate for effective speechmaking.Martin Luther King spoke at roughly 90 words per minute;Franklin Roosevelt spoke at 110 words per minute, John Kennedy at 180,A fast rate helps crate feelings of happine, fear, anger, and surprise, while a slow rate is better for expreing sadne or disgust.Two obvious faults to avoid are speaking so slowly that your listeners become bored or so quickly that they lose track of your ideas.4.Pauses: A momentary break in the vocal delivery of a speech.Learning how and when to pause is a major challenge for most beginning speakers.Even a moment of silence can seem like an eternity.As you gain more poise and confidence, you will discover how useful the pause can be.It can signal the end of a thought unit, give an idea time to sink in, and lend dramatic impact to a statement.When you do pause, make sure you pause at the end of a thought unit and not in the middle.Otherwise, you may distract listeners from your ideas.Most important, do not fill the silence with vocalized pauses like “uh”, “er”, or “um”.Mark Twain: The right word may be effective, but no word was ever as effective as a rightly timed pause.5.vocal variety: changes in a speaker’s rate, pitch, and volume that give the voice variety and expreivene.Just as variety is the spice of life, so is it the spice of public speaking.A flat, listle, unchanging voice is just as deadly to speechmaking as a flat, listle, unchanging routine is to daily life.Diagnose your voice to decide which aspects need improvement.Record your speeches to hear how they sound.Try them out on your friends.And make adjustments.If you want to learn more, surf


7.articulation: the physical production of particular speech sounds.WordMisarticulation

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The speaker’s body

Posture, facial expreion, gestures, eye contact------all effect the way listeners respond to a speaker.Here are the major aspects of physical action that will affect the outcome of your speeches.Personal appearance : A number of studies have confirmed that personal appearance plays an important role in speechmaking.Listeners always see you before they hear you, so you should dre and groom appropriately.You should try to evoke a favorable first impreion—an impreion that is likely to make listeners more receptive to what you say.Movement:

As you rise to speak, try to appear calm, poised, and confident, despite the butterflies in your stomach.When you reach the lectern, don’t lean on it, and don’t rush into your speech.Give yourself time to get set.Arrange your notes just the way you want them.Stand quietly as you wait to make sure the audience is paying attention.Establish eye contact with your listeners.Then---and only then---should you start to talk.When you reach the end of your speech, maintain eye contact for a few moments after you stop talking.This will give your closing line time to sink in.All this advice is common sense, yet you would be surprised how many people need it.When practicing your speeches, spend a little time rehearsing how you will behave at the beginning and at the end.It is one of the easiest—and one of the most effective----things you can do to improve your image with an audience.Gestures

The rule is: whatever gestures you make should not draw attention to themselves and distract from your maage.They should appear natural and spontaneous, help clarify or reinforce your ideas, and be suited to the audience and occasion.Eye contact(direct visual contact with the eyes of another person)

One of the quickest ways to establish a communicative bond with your listeners is to look at them personally and pleasantly.Avoiding their gaze is one of the surest ways to lose them.There is a great deal of research to show that speakers in the United States who refuse to establish eye contact are perceived as tentative or ill at ease and may be seen as insincere or dishonest.As you look at your listeners, be alert for their reactions: Can they hear you? Do they understand you? Are they awake? Your eyes will help you answer these questions.It is not enough just to look at your listeners: how you look at them also counts.A blank stare is almost as bad as no eye contact at all.So is a fierce, hostile glower or a series of frightened, bewildered glances.Summary

Speech delivery is a matter of nonverbal communication.It is based on how you use your voice and body to convey the meage expreed by your words.You cannot make a good speech without having something to say, but you also need to know how to say it.Rather than calling attention to itself, effective delivery conveys the speaker’s ideas clearly, engagingly, and without distracting the audience.There are four basic methods of delivering a speech:

To use your voice effectively you should work on controlling your volume, pitch, rate, pauses, vocal variety, pronunciation, articulation.Posture, personal appearance, facial expreion, gestures, and eye contact also affect the way listeners respond to speakers.

英语演讲选修课教案7Methods of delivery

Chapter 7Methods of delivery Four basic methods of delivering a speech 1.Reading from a manuscript: A speech that is written out word for word and read to the a......


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英语演讲选修课教案7Methods of delivery
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