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Homework:week2 梅贻琦(1889—1962)教育家、天津人。1909年考取清华第一批“直接留美生”,入吴斯特工业学院学习电机工程。1915年12月应聘来清华大学任物理学教授,1926年出任教务长。1931年出任校长直至1948年底。他仅用几年时间就使当时的清华大学在许多方面跻身于世界名大学之林。作为教育家,梅贻琦有一套完整的教育思想体系,其治校方略可归结为三个组成部分:通才教育(或“自由教育”)、教授治校(或“民主管理”)和学术自由(或“自由探讨之风气”)。其代表作是1941年撰发的《大学一解》。他的“大学者,非谓有大楼只谓也,有大师之谓也”的著名论说,至今在教育界广为传诵。

参考译文:Educationalist Mei Yiqi was born in Tianjin.In 1909, he paed the examination and became one of the first Tsinghua students to study in America, majoring in electrical engineering at Worcester Polytechnic Institute.In September, 1915 he was invited to work at Tsinghua University as a profeor of physics and was appointed Dean of Studies in 1926.He was appointed president of Tsinghua University in 1931 and did not leave the post until by the end of 1948.Under his leadership, Tsinghua University quickly ranked among world famous universities in many aspects in a matter of just a few years.An educationalist himself, he established a complete ideological system of education.His strategy of running the university comprises three parts, i.e., general education(also known as “free education”), profeor management(also called “democratic management”)and academic freedom(or “the atmosphere of free discuion”).His representative work is An interpretation of University, which was published in 1941.And his famous saying “it is great masters, not huge buildings that characterize a university” is still thought highly of by the educational circles even to this day.Homework: week3 1.Sentence translation, pay attention to the differences mentioned above:

Key: 1)他因受贿而被捕入狱的消息传来,我们大吃一惊。

Word came that bribe has sent him into prison, which amazed us.2)海洋学是人们认识星球的关键,而其重要性却不是人人都知晓的。

The importance of oceanography as a key to the understanding of our planet is seldom as well appreciated.3)那个女孩哭得似乎心都碎了,我问她的时候,她说她已经有两天没有吃东西了,她实在是饿极了。

The girl, who was crying as if her heart would broken, said, when I spoke to her, that she was very hungry, because she had had no food for two days.4)健康比财富更重要,因为财富不能像健康那样带来幸福。

Health is above wealth, for this cannot give so much happine as that.5)人不可貌相,海水不可斗量。

A person cannot be judged by his appearance, just as the sea cannot be measured with a bucket.2.中国共产党成立后,团结带领人民前赴后继、顽强奋斗,把贫穷落后的旧中国变成日益走向繁荣富强的新中国,中华民族伟大复兴展现出前所未有的光明前景。


这个重大的责任,就是对人民的责任。我们的人民是伟大的人民。在漫长的历史进程中,中国人民依靠自己的勤劳、勇敢、智慧,开创了民族和睦共处的美好家园,培育了历久弥新的优秀文化。Since the establishment of the Chinese Communist Party, It united the Chinese people and led them to advance wave upon wave and struggle indomitably.As a result, the impoverished and backward old China turned into an increasingly strong and prosperous and new China.The prospect of the great rejuvenation of China are unprecedented bright.It is our party’ s responsibility to unite and guide the people of all nationalities to take over the history baton, to continue struggle for the great rejuvenation of China, to make Chinese nation stand firmly among the nations of the world, and make new great contributions to mankind.The significant responsibility is the responsibility to the people.Our people are great people.During the long course of history, relying on their industriousne, their bravene and intelligence, Chinese people have started a beautiful homeland with national harmonious coexistence and have cultivated eternally renewed excellent culture.参考译文:

• Since its founding, the Communist Party of China has made great sacrifices and forged ahead against all odds.It has rallied and led the Chinese people in transforming the poor and backward Old China into an increasingly prosperous and powerful New China, thus opening a completely new horizon for the great renewal of the Chinese nation.• Our responsibility now is to rally and lead the entire Party and the people of all ethnic groups in China in taking the baton paed on to us by history, and in making continued efforts to achieve the great renewal of the Chinese nation, make the Chinese nation stand rock-firm in the family of nations, and make an even greater contribution to mankind.• We have taken on this important responsibility for the people.Our people are a great people.During the long course of history, the Chinese people have, working with diligence, bravery and wisdom, created a beautiful homeland where all ethnic groups live in harmony, and developed a great and dynamic culture.-----习近平在中央政治局常委中外记者见面会上的讲话


Gentleman S takes pride of his ugly wife, and often brags before his friend who has a beautiful wife that: a ugly wife is a treasure, disgusting to see, comfortable if not see, and secure to go out, in case of an involvement of a third party.Hearing this, the friend laughs with his mouth covered and says: you are totally wrong.As the saying goes, what you think the most secure is in fact the most dangerous.Haven’t you heard that, beauty lies in the lover’s eyes? After hearing this, gentleman S is suddenly enlightened and sighs: I profit more from one consultation with you than from ten years of reading.I almost lose my treasure out of carelene.译文:

Mr.S had an unprepoeing wife, who he was extremely proud of, so much so that he often raved about his wife like this,” a plain wife is an absolute treasure, unpleasant to look at, but out of mind out of sight and free from suspicion when the husband is away from home.And there is no fear of “ another man”.On hearing this, his friend couldn’t help a smile and the following comment, “forgive me sir for pointing out that you are wrong there.As the saying goes, the greatest danger resides in the false sense of security.Haven’t you heart of loving being blind?”

Suddenly and thoroughly enlightened by his friend’s kind warming, Mr.s sight with feeling, “ how true it is that one can learn more from the talk of a wise person than from ten year’ reading.Otherwise I may lose her through oversight.”


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